50 Amazing Half Sleeve Tattoos And Ideas For Men And Women

yakuza tattoo half sleeve

yakuza tattoo half sleeve - win

[Excalibur] - Part 28

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Osaka, 1952
Ocha douzo, Okamoto-sama,” Okamoto’s beautiful wife Michiko said as she placed the tea down beside him on the veranda. Okamoto smiled at her, amused at the over-formality. Bowing deeply with a wink, she scuttled back into the house, ever busy with her errands.
How she knew exactly when he would take a break, he never did know. But without fail, when he did, she would be there with freshly made tea.
This is the life, Okamoto thought as he drank the cool green tea and surveyed his land under his cone-shaped straw hat. ‘
With what he had saved from the war, they had been able to buy a sizeable plot just outside the centre of Osaka, prime for farming. In the year since, Okamoto had prepared the land, and was only now starting to yield his first full crops.
It wasn’t much, but it was enough. It was finally enough.
A year ago, he couldn’t have imagined believing that.
“Yoshi, don’t forget to take the extra down to the Orphanage! I told them you’d be coming today! If you go now you’ll be back in time for when Kenji finishes school,” Michiko called from inside the house.
Kenji, their son, was in the first year of secondary school, and loving life. He was a smart boy, and the fact he attended secondary school filled Okamoto with pride to the point of tears. His only flaw was a fiery temper that reminded Okamoto all too much of himself.
“Hai, Michiko Captain,” Okamoto called out in his military voice.
“Don’t call me that!” he heard his wife shout back, but he knew she would be smiling, just as he was.
Okamoto peered up to see Shirai-san approaching from one of the further rice fields, his shoulder stacked high with bundles of rice on his side that still had an arm.
“Oh, Shirai-san, otsukaresama,” Okamoto said as he jumped down to greet him, helping to take the bundle from the man’s shoulder.
(otsukaresama - thanks for the hard work)
“Please, take some rest. Would you like some tea? I can have Michiko make some more?” Okamoto asked, noting the lines of sweat trickling down the man’s forehead.
“No, no, I’m fine. I don’t want to cause a fuss.”
“Please, Shirai-san, you’ve been working so hard.”
“No, I insist. You gave me back my life, Okamoto-sama. I owe you everything. This is the least I can do.”
Okamoto nodded, knowing he wouldn’t be able to convince the man otherwise. Shirai was just one of many Okamoto and Tsukasa had saved during their years rampaging through Russian occupied Manchuria after the war’s end. Where exactly they had found him, Okamoto couldn’t even remember. His recall of the time was not the best.
Three such men worked for Okamoto on the farm. Even if society had turned its back on the forgotten soldiers of the war, Okamoto wouldn’t.
“Shirai-san, let us pay our respects.”
Inside Okamoto’s house, in a small room behind the main living area, an ornate shrine carved from ebony wood sprawled over the entire far-side wall. Okamoto and Shirai entered, bowing deeply.
“Shirai-san, douzo,” Okamoto said, motioning forward.
(douzo in this sense means, “go ahead”, or “please, go first”)
Shirai bowed, and moved forward to the shrine. Large doors were open and latched to its side, revealing levels of shelves that decreased in size as they rose up. An intricately carved temple with tori gates filled the centre level, wooden slats hanging from various places around it, names of fallen comrades carved deeply into them.
Trinkets of war, medals, the infantry handbook and other such pieces were placed around the other levels.
At the bottom, a large black bowl sat, a tong perched along its rim. In a tray of ash to the side stood burnt senko (incense candles).
Shirai’s gaze however, was drawn to the topmost shelf. A sword arched between two supports, a white tiger roaring down its side. Beneath it, a Russian Tokarev pistol.
Okamoto came alongside Shirai, helping the man to light a fresh senko and drawing his attention away from the blade. Shirai carefully placed it standing in the tray, and then lightly struck the bowl. A long and beautiful chime echoed in the room. Placing his own senko and striking the bowl once more, Okamoto joined Shirai, head bowed and praying.
Shirai, lacking one hand, simply held the other in the air.
Once the chime ended, Shirai stood. Making his thanks and bowing deeply, he slid the Shoji doors closed, and left.
Okamoto, left alone, stared at the blade. He could still feel its power, could still feel its calling, but each time he came to this shrine, each time he honoured the dead and their memories, he felt its power wane.
The orphanage was only a few kilometres away, and it didn’t take long to reach on his tricycle. Between the bike’s strong back wheels, a basket full to the brim of rice and vegatables was tied down. After the war, there were more Orphans than ever, and it broke Okamoto’s heart. Whenever he could, any extra he had would go to them, and then to other veterans less fortunate than he.
Dropping off the food and feeling his soul replenished by the smiles and giggles of the children who mobbed him, he went to return home. Much work still remained to finish on the farm before the day was up.
As Okamoto biked away from the old building and rounded the first corner, a bunch of youths almost blocked his way. Most were in their late teens or early twenties, by his estimates. Just young enough to have just missed the war. They were crowded round a smaller boy on a bike, tugging and pulling at his bag, the young boy obviously in distress.
Okamoto slowed down and jumped off his bike, striding over to them. His sweat covered arms were exposed in his simple vest, tanned and glistening in the sun, highlighting the sinewy muscle that stretched over skin lined with scars.
Without a moment's hesitation he entered the mass, most parting and allowing him through. Shoving away a few who didn’t, he reached the boy inside. Without a word, he gave him his bag and the boy rode off, not needing any encouragement to do so.
“Hey old man, what that hell do you think you’re doing?” Came a voice behind him, slurring and dragging his words like a rake through soil.
“What the hell am I doing?” Okamoto replied, looking at the man before him. His head was shaved roughly, bits of stubble growing unevenly over his chin. Despite being quite tall, he was very skinny, still more boy than man. Looking at the boy's dead eyes, he knew there would be a tragedy lurking within, some reason why he would be acting out in this way. But that was no different to Okamoto, no different to anyone in Japan. All had experienced the pain of war and its consequences.
Or, Okamoto thought, he could just be an idiot.
“What the hell do you guys think you are doing? What is this? Why are you picking on such a young boy? No one your own size to fight with?”
The other men in the group seemed surprised at Okamoto’s confidence, speaking so brazenly to their leader. Feeling the pressure of Okamoto’s gaze and his peers, the young man looked away.
Just a coward.
No response forthcoming, Okamoto turned to leave.
“Don’t let me catch you doing this again,” he said.
Footsteps slapped the road behind him. Okamoto twisted, lowering his head and raising his arms. The leader’s fist arched over where Okamoto’s head had been mere moments before. Okamoto rammed a punch hard into the young man’s stomach, feeling the soft bones of the lower ribcage bend under the force.
Doubling over, the boy wretched onto the road. Instinct took over Okamoto as he ran with his leg cocked, aimed for the boy's face.
If I crack the tip of my shoe into his temple, I’ll increase the chance of breaking his skull.
Okamoto smiled as his foot edged closer to its target. A searing heat began to burn in his belly, and with it, an excitement he hadn’t felt in a long time.
“Stop! Please!” the boy cried, shielding his head.
The sudden plea, sounding so child-like and innocent, snapped Okamoto out of his craze just in time to divert his foot away.
Okamoto slammed his fist on the low table, the glass of shouchu almost bouncing off at the impact.
( Shochu is a Japanese traditional hard liquor, distilled spirits made from grains and vegetables. )
Grabbing it, he gulped the contents down his throat, the ice at the bottom sounding noisily as it rolled around.
“What happened, darling?” his wife asked, her voice quiet and unsure.
Okamoto motioned for more drink, and his wife obliged, albeit with a worried eye.
“Bunch of gangster wannabes outside the Orphanage were picking on some school kid.”
His wife’s eyes shot open. “Yoshi, they are Yakuza! What...did you do?”
Okamoto sighed.
“I helped the kid get out of there.”
“...and then what?”
Okamoto looked at his wife, and took a deep breath.
“One of the idiots attacked me, so I defended myself.”
“And that’s it?”
“Yes! Would I lie to you, Michiko?” Okamoto shouted, his wife jumping at his loud voice.
Instantly Okamoto felt a sinking sadness and regret. He had never shouted at her before.
“I’m sorry, Michiko,” he said, seeing tears well up in her eyes.
“Tadaima,” Kenji’s voice called from the entrance way of the shouse, tired and low. Seemed like he wasn’t having a good day, either.
(Tadaima : I’m home)
Michiko rose to go and greet him.
“Kenji! What happened to your face?” she gasped just as Okamoto finished his second glass.
“Have you been fighting again?!” she shouted.
They came through the house and into the living area where Okamoto sat. Okamoto glanced up, expecting to see a slight bruise or maybe a small cut.
Kenji’s face was bruised all over, one eye almost shut.
The searing seed of anger that Okamoto had felt before exploded into a full blown rage.
He jumped up, throwing the glass at the wall.
“Who did this?!” he roared.
Kenji began to sob, his wide shoulders jerking up and down as he did.
“Otousan, I’m sorry,” he cried, “I am not strong like you.”
Shame clouded over Kenji’s features. His boy was ashamed. Upset. Scared. It all just added to the anger that was reaching boiling point inside of Okamoto.
“Just tell me who the hell did this, Kenji!” Okamoto yelled, his knuckles cracking under the pressure of his closed fists.
“Some guys, near the Orphanage. They pushed me off my bike. Took my bag. Started kicking me.”
“Anta, where are you going? Wait!” Michiko called.
But Okamoto was already gone.
In a trance of rage, Okamoto soon found them, congregating in a small park area near the Orphanage as dusk began to fall over the sky. Gangs like these had always been popular before the war, but Okamoto had hoped the combined war effort had put them to an end.
Wishful thinking.
A couple more members, older and bigger, had joined them. Okamoto didn’t care, nothing was going to appease his rage except their cries of pain. He would teach them a lesson.
At full speed, he dismounted his bike, letting it run straight into the throng. Striking two of them heavily, they fell to the ground under its weight.
Too late, another turned to see Okamoto’s fist just as it slammed into his jaw. In the same motion, Okamoto’s foot found a home in the stomach of the chubbier boy next to him.
But Okamoto wasn't as fast as he used to be.
Just as he went to strike the next man, a fist caught him round the head, sending him tumbling to the ground in a daze. A tall man, rolling up his sleeves to reveal tattoos, closed in.
“Get him!” he shouted.
A volley of kicks bombarded Okamoto’s body, until one struck his head, and everything went black.
“Oi, old man, wake up.” a rough voice coaxed Okamoto awake, as he felt someone slapping at his cheeks. Okamoto tried to see, but his eyes were so badly swollen that he could hardly make out the shapes before him. Hands lifted him up from behind, hooking under his shoulders and holding him tight.
“The old fool is awake,” the voice laughed.
“What should we do with him?” another voice, Okamoto recognised it as the boy from earlier.
Should have kicked him in the head.
“I say we cut him up,” the other voice laughed, a demented cackle of a broken mind.
Okamoto heard the flick of a knife.
A sharp pain stung against his cheek as a flash blurred before him.
“Haha , look, it pops like a spot!” the crazed man before him said. Okamoto could tell by the other voices around that not everyone was in agreement with the torture being bestowed upon him.
Okamoto’s heart stopped. Please, no, he thought, he begged. He tried to see, but could only make out vague shapes.
“Otousan!” the voice cried out. It was Kenji.
Gravity seemed to pull Okamoto down into the earth, his heart sinking as nausea rose up in its place.
“Kenji!” Okamoto screamed, “ Don’t come any closer! Go home, get—”
A punch struck Okamoto across the face.
“Oh look, the boys brought a sword with him, how cute!” the man with the knife laughed again, whipping his hand of blood.
No. God. No. Not the sword. Kenji isn’t strong enough, he won’t be able to handle it!
“Is this your old man, little boy?”
“I’m not a little boy, and my father is a hero!” Kenji cried.
Another strike landed into Okamoto’s stomach, a boot crashing into his cheek straight after. Landing face away from the scene, a knee held pressed into his back, pinning him down.
Kenji roared, and Okamoto heard him running into the men.
“Haha, he hasn’t even taken the sword out of the scabbard yet,” the vile creature before Okamoto sneered.
There was a shuffling of feet, a sudden exhalation of air, and a soft cry.
“Otousan…” Kenji muttered.
“You idiot, you stabbed him!” one of the men cried, “he's a kid!” Okamoto heard wet drips spill onto the dirt.
The pressure in his back released as the man atop him fled.
Pulling himself up and filled with dread, Okamoto stumbled on to his unsteady feet and hobbled to his son. Kenji was laid on the ground, hands pressed round his stomach. The sword lay to his side.
Panic filled Okamoto as his eyes darted around, the last of the gang disappearing out of sight.
“Help! Someone!” he screamed, picking his son’s head up off the dirt with a shaking hand.
Blood trickled out of the corner of Kenji’s mouth, matching the steady flow of tears from his eyes.
“Otousan, I’m sorry…” he said, his eyes half closed.
“No, no, no, don’t speak, I’ll get help,” Okamoto said, looking around once more, confused as to whether he should run to save his son, stay, or attempt to move him.
Looking at the wound, Okamoto tried to apply more pressure, but only more blood spilled forth. Kenji moaned in pain, a tired sound, like a baby.
My baby. My son! My flesh and blood!
“Kenji, Kenji, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Okamoto said, placing his forehead against Kenji's.
“Otousan…” Kenji said weaker still, his trembling hand rising up to Okamoto’s cheek, “ I’m so glad you came back. We’re happy now. I’m so happy…”
The hand fell away. Kenji’s eyes glazed over as his head lolled to one side.
“No! Kenji! No! No!” Okamoto screamed.
“My son!”
Okamoto checked his pulse, tears streaming from his stinging eyes and onto his hands. Nothing.
He pounded the ground, screaming and punching till his hands became raw and red.
“Why?!” he bellowed as a pool of blood began to form on the ground beneath them.
“He grabbed the sword, unsheathing it, holding it up in the air.
“Why? Why did you do this. Why?!” he cried, falling once more to the ground.
The pain swirled within him, growing faster and faster, heat building within. The pain turned to anger. Okamoto shook from head to toe, his brain igniting in a frenzy of absolute rage. Bones clicked, flesh stretched, his muscles burnt. His vision became clear as the pain of his body faded.
I’m sorry, Tsukasa! I never was as strong as you.
Gripping both hands to the hilt of the sword his mind exploded outwards, sensing where the gang had run to.
“I’ll fucking kill them,” he swore, “I’ll fucking kill them all, Kenji!”
Present day
Okamoto’s pent-house suite.
Tears rolled down Okamoto’s face as his eyes fixed onto the place where the bottle had broken far below, staring blank and unseeing. It had been a long time since he had thought of the past so vividly.
And with such power.
He knew it was not only him dredging through the past, but the sword, too.
Wiping the tears away, he walked back inside, and opened another bottle at the bar.
Pouring a drink and downing it in one gulp, he walked through the expansive pent-house, arriving at a small side room. Taking a deep breath, he opened the door and walked inside.
It had been a long time.
Doors closed and covered in dust on the far wall, was the shrine he had built all those years before. The same one from their family home.
With care, he slowly opened the doors.
On the main shelf, a small black and white picture of his wife and son was framed, faded and brown with age. Everything else was the same as it always had been.
Okamoto tenderly picked the frame up, and wiped off the dust. Looking at it, Okamoto wondered what his son would think of him now. He had taken his revenge. He had killed them all. Erased the connected gangs from existence, along with their families, their friends and whoever spoke of them.
In its place, he had set up his own, calling on old friends and those loyal to him. Together, they had sworn to protect all those who still depended on them. Other such groups quickly bent the knee in the face of Okamoto’s power. They adhered to his rules. His whims.
And the sword’s.
But he wasn’t the same as those he had sought to destroy. He wasn’t.
His son would know that, wouldn’t he?
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The General's Successors: My idea for a unique "rerun".

I'm going to be blunt right here and now, I despise Warmonger and am not really looking forward to Holden Cross partly due to all the reused animations they have, but mostly because they're adding nothing "fresh" in regards to gameplay. In other words... quoting a certain critic, even if they add in something we're already familiar with, they can AT LEAST do something new with it, and that's what I'm going to do with the moves of a man who spawned a meme.
Forewarning like with all my ideas, I am not fluent at all in the other languages the Heroes' speak, so all translations are rough ones at best with the exception of some Japanese words I actually know the meanings of.

General Info.

Name: Susanoo.
Class: Vanguard.
Sub-Categories: Adaptable, Harasser.
Faction: Samurai.
Can be Both Genders.

Health: 130.
Stamina: 150.

Weapon, Tachi: The predecessor to the famous Katana, the Tachi was the first type of battlefield sword wielded by the Samurai, boasting a blade length of 70-80cm, usually 75cm on average, the Tachi is longer then the Katana's average length of slightly over 60cm with a blade that curves much closer to the hilt as opposed to the tip of the sword. Originally used as a Cavalry weapon on Horseback, many a trained samurai found it to be an equally useful weapon on foot, though older makes of the blades were notorious for being rather brittle in long term engagements, the Susanoo have since vastly improved the make of the weapon, bringing a blade of the past back into the battlefields of the present.
As the Susanoo uses a Static Guard with a blade that isn't as long as an Odachi, their Stances are slightly different from the Orochi and Kensei. In their Side stances, the Susanoo uses the Seigan-No-Kamae Stance, with the Right Side having them lead with their Right Foot with their Right hand further up the sword's hilt and the Left Stance being the inverse. For their Top Stance, they use the Hasso-No-Kamae stance, which visually is similar to Kensei's Side Stances, but standing more straight up and actually being used in the way it was intended, to prepare for Downward strikes.

Armor and Height: With the forming of the Chimera alliance, Metal has become a much more common sight in the Mire, and as such, the Susanoo have access to, and have outfitted themselves with proper Metal Armor. Their Default set and its variations are based off a "Gusoku", a full suit of Japanese Plate Armor composed of a Dou, Kusazuri, Sode over both shoulders, Kote sleeves, a Steel Kabuto, a Metal Mengu to protect the face, iron plated Haidate and iron Suneate around their shins.
Their first "Different" set trades out the Iron pieces of the armor for Leather, which was another design of the Gusoku, with the individual pieces looking less "Bulky" and more lightweight, the Kabuto is also replaced with an Iron Jingasa hat, with some sets having the Susanoo's face revealed while others have their nose and mouth covered by a long cloth. Tozen's Set is found among these.
Their 2nd Set completely forgoes the armor in exchange for attire commonly seen in Samurai movies, a Yoroi Katabira Jacket and Yoroi Hakama pants along with a variety of Hairstyles and faces, some sets even give the Susanoo Body Tattoos akin to the Yakuza. Tozen's Alternate Set is found among these.
In regards to their Heights, the Male Susanoo stands at "Above Average" along the likes of Centurion and Valkyrie where as the Female Susanoo stands at the Male Average along with fellow Vanguards Warden, Tiandi and Kensei, and even female Hitokiri.

Backstory: The history of the Dawn Empire, is one akin to a violent tempest. Their homeland lost, their people outnumbered by their unwanted neighbors, theirs is an existence of survival, to push themselves beyond their limits so they may live to see another day. Considered among their greatest were the Orochi and even greater then them was the famed General Tozen, who was not simply content to master the blade, he had intended to redefine it, utilizing techniques that blended power and speed to devastating effect. Taking the Empire's best under his wing, Tozen was aiming to bring the Samurai's swordsmanship to new heights, until he had met his untimely demise on the capital's bridge.
Though their master had perished, the students vowed to continue his legacy, realizing their swords as they were were ill-suited to this new way of fighting, they began to reforge the predecessor of all the Samurai's blades, a weapon that could be both fast and powerful in equal effect, the Tachi. Its length at the medium between the mighty Odachi and the nimble Katana, it allowed these warriors to be powerful with their swings while having enough lee-way to allow for fast, precise strikes, emulating the speed and fury of a mighty storm. Standing in direct contrast to their former brothers and sisters among the Orochi, these warriors renamed themselves to something more apt for their new way of combat, naming themselves after the Kami and hero that slew the 8-headed serpent, Susanoo.
Though an art was invented, it was yet to be perfected, and the now formed Susanoo saw little to be gained in perishing on the field of battle so soon when there was so much to be done, but now war once more threatens to wrench away everything the Samurai hold dear, as the Horkos and their demented crusade tore down the peace the factions were so close to establishing. Now they could no longer afford to stay in seclusion, and so the Susanoo have joined their cause with the Chimera Alliance, to do what their Champion had done so long ago, they would take the head of a tyrant so that Peace may finally reign, and their Master's legacy would be remembered.


Art of the Storm: Landing Lights or Heavies or Deflecting attacks with "Mind's Eye" will "charge" the Susanoo's blade, upon landing and/or deflecting 5 attacks they gain the "Charged Blade" effect, causing their next attack that hits an opponent to "Jolt" them.
Jolted enemies will have all Lights they block be treated as enhanced, take twice as much chip damage and will gain Half as much Revenge when blocking attacks.
Charged Blade Duration: 10 seconds.
Jolted duration: 10 seconds.

Merciful Eye: The Susanoo can cancel the Recovery of their Lights and Heavies with "Mind's Eye".

Calm Skies: (Light, Light, Light (500ms, 500ms (Undodgable), 500ms))
Damage: 14, 13, 16.

Parting Seas: (Light, Heavy (Infinite) (500ms, 600ms-1000ms)
Damage: 14, 21-24.
Fully Charged Heavies gain Hyper Armor once the attack can no longer be feinted.

Rising Winds: (Light, Light, Heavy (Infinite)) (500ms, 500ms (Undodgable), 600ms-1000ms.)
Damage: 14, 13, 21-24.

The Storm's Path: (Heavy (Infinite) (700ms-1100ms (Opener)/600ms-1000ms (Chain))
Damage: 24-27, 21-24

Receding Rain: (Any Heavy, Light, Light (700ms-1100ms/600ms-1000ms, 500ms (Undodgable), 500ms.))
Damage: 24-27/21-24, 13, 16.

Twice Stricken: (Any Heavy, Light, Heavy (Infinite)) (700ms-1100ms/600ms-1000ms, 500ms (Undodgable), 600ms-1000ms)
Damage: 24-27/21-24, 13, 21-24.

Typhoon Kick: (Guardbreak after a Heavy or Chain Light (500ms (Bash))
500ms Whiff Recovery.

Typhoon Kick Alternate: (Guardbreak during a Side Dodge (500ms (Bash))
700ms Whiff Recovery.
Can be done 200-500ms into the dodge.

Surging Tempest: (Heavy after landing Typhoon Kick (600ms))
Damage: 17.
Leads back into the Infinite Heavy chain.

The Coming Storm: (Hold Dodge during a Forward Dodge)
The Susanoo breaks into a sprint while still locked onto their opponent, quickly closing any gaps the foe may have made. The Susanoo will stop running automatically when they get within Guardbreak range.
Can be stopped early by releasing "Dodge".
Drains 8 Stamina for every 900ms the Susanoo spends running.
Triggers 400ms into the Forward Dodge.

Crashing Waves: (Guardbreak during the Coming Storm (400ms (Bash))
The Susanoo performs a dashing Knee strike, knocking the opponent back a fair distance.
Guarantees nothing normally, but gives the Susanoo Frame Advantage and can potentially Wallsplat.
Drain 30 Stamina from the opponent.
700ms Whiff Recovery.

Sky Splitter: (Forward Dodge Heavy (700ms (Unblockable))
Aims at the Top Guard.
Travels far and tracks rolls.
Can be done 100m-400ms into the Forward Dodge or at any point during The Coming Storm.
Can be feinted.
Leads into Chains.
Damage: 20.

Stone Cutter: (Zone Attack (500ms))
Aims at the Left Guard (Player's Right)
Leads into Chains.
Damage: 16.

Mind's Eye: (Full Block (Unique))
The Susanoo briefly assumes a Defensive Stance that lasts for 200ms, if ANY ATTACK other then a Guardbreak hits the Susanoo during this period, they deflect the blow while stepping slightly to the side, causing the attack to be treated as a Whiff and giving the Susanoo Frame Advantage if they act immediately.
Starts at 100ms.
Has 800ms of total Recovery if nothing is deflected.


Common/Default, (Devourer): Executions restore an additional 10 Health.
Common, (Remedy): Restore 10 Health on Hero Kill.
Common, (Feline Agility): Gain a permanent Movement Speed Buff when you obtain renown levels. (Max: 10%)
Rare, (Vengeful Barrier): Gain a 25 Health Shield when you exit Revenge.
Heroic, (Clever Tactics): You capture Zones and use Banners/Offerings 15% Faster.
Epic, (Fresh Focus): When you're OOS, Blocks, Parries and Counter Guardbreaks restore 20% of your stamina.
Legendary, (Rapid Refresh): Upon killing a Hero or reviving an Ally, all active Feat cooldowns are reduced by 5%.


Level 1.
Raikiri (Passive): You deal 15% more Damage to Jolted opponents.

Tireless (Passive): Gain 16.67% Stamina Cost Reduction once unlocked.

Speed Revive (Passive): You revive allies 50% faster.

Level 2.
Raijin's Fang: Throw a dagger that Jolts the enemy it hits, deals extra damage if the enemy is already Jolted.
Normal Damage: 20.
Jolted Damage: 35.
Cooldown: 60 seconds.

Juggernaut: Gain constant Hyper Armor and a 50% Defense Buff for 10 seconds at the cost of being unable to run when Out-of-lock.
Cooldown: 90 seconds.

Inspire: Gain an Aura that increases the Attack of yourself and allies within it by 20%, and causes friendly minions to fight faster.
Radius: 5m.
Duration: 20 seconds.
Cooldown: 2 minutes.

Level 3.
Conduction (Passive): Your Attacks chain a bolt to the closest enemy near a Jolted foe and continues to chain to successive targets.
Bolt Damage: 75% to 1st, 50% to 2nd and beyond.
Chain Radius: 6m from the Jolted enemy and each victim of the Bolt.
Does not affect Minions or Pikemen.

Nukekubi (Passive): Gain Stamina on successful Attacks.
9 for Lights.
15 for Heavies and each enemy hit by a Zone Attack.

Punch-Through (Passive): Doubles your Chip Damage inflicted to Blocking Opponents.
Adds onto the Chip Damage Bonus on Jolted Enemies.

Level 4.
Ama-no-Habakiri: Deliver a Devastating Attack in a wide radius around you, Jolting every target hit.
2 second wind-up before the attack.
Has hyper armor during the wind-up.
Radius: 10m.
Damage: 60.
Cooldown: 160 seconds.

Stalwart Banner: Place a Banner that heals you and any ally inside it.
Heal: 84 HP over 20 seconds.
Radius: 4m.
Cooldown: 200 seconds.

Morale Booster: You and All living allies gain a 30% Attack Buff for 20 seconds.
Cooldown: 3 minutes.


To the Edge (Default): The Susanoo pulls their Tachi from the foe who tries to throw a punch at them only to have their arm deflected as the Susanoo delivers a clean cut through the opponent's neck, who doesn't even realize they've effectively been decapitated until they try to strike the Susanoo again, only for their head to fall off the moment they make the sudden move forward.
Health restore: 50.
Heal/Death Point: When the opponent's head falls off.

Gutless (Default): The Susanoo pulls their weapon from the foe and quickly after delivers a a Side Kick with so much force behind it that their foot punches through into the opponent's stomach, the Susanoo then retracts their leg, pulling it free and leaving the victim to collapse in a heap with a giant hole in their body.
Health Restore: 35.
Heal/Death Point: When the Susanoo kicks a hole in the opponent.

Tenka Goken: The Susanoo kicks their foe back before delivering a series of 5 slashes to their dazed adversary, ending with a Downward slice that goes straight down the center of the victim who collapses backward in a burst of blood.
Health Restore: 35.
Heal/Death Point: After the 5th and final slash.

At Both Ends: The Susanoo quickly tosses their Tachi towards their dazed foe who catches it with the blade facing towards them, immediately after the Susanoo kicks the foe across the face, making them fall over with the Tachi landing in such a way to where the opponent's neck is dangerously close to its edge. The Susanoo then steps on the victim's upper back to keep them from getting up and begins to apply more and more force against the struggling victim until they are forced down onto the Tachi's edge, decapitating them.
Health Restore: 50.
Heal/Death point: when the opponent is decapitated.


(Reminder, I do not know fluent Japanese.)

"Saa, Mairu!" ("Now, Here I come!") Sky Splitter (Male).

"Nigashimasenu!" ("I will not let you escape!") Sky Splitter (Female).

"Nurui!" ("Easy!") Typhoon Kick (Both).

"Osoi!" ("Too slow") Crashing Waves (Male).

"Tsumaran!" ("Useless!") Crashing Waves (Female).

"Sore o mita!" ("Saw that!") Landing an Attack after successful Mind's Eye (Male).

"Mada Mada!" ("Not good enough!") Landing an Attack after successful Mind's Eye (Female).

"Hanase!" ("Let go!") Counter Guardbreak (Both).

"Kogeki!" ("Strike!") Raijin's Fang (Both).

"Kirisake!" ("Tear apart!") Ama-no-Habakiri (Both).

"Munen da..." ("It's mortifying...") Dying (Male).

"Munen..." ("Regrettable...") Dying (Female).

"Waruagaki datta na." ("That was a futile struggle.") At Both Ends (Male).

"Minohodo shirubeki de atta na." ("You should have known your place.") At Both Ends (Female).

"Watashi o mata senaide kudasai." ("Don't keep me waiting.") Locked on Banter.

"Anata ga kōdō shinai baai. Shimasu." ("If you will not act. I will.") Locked on Banter.

"Nanigadekiruka misete kudasai." ("Show me what you can do.") Locked on Banter.

"*sigh* Jikan'nomuda..." ("A waste of time...") Locked on Banter (Large Health Lead.)

"Motto kitai shite imashita." ("I expected more.") Locked on Banter (Large Health Lead.)

"Karada ga shibireru no o kanjite kudasai." ("Feel your body go numb.") Locked on Banter (Jolted Opponent.)

"Anata wa hangeki suru no ga yoideshou." ("You'd do well to fight back.") Locked on Banter (Jolted Opponent).

"Kore wa sugu ni shūryō shimasu." ("I'll end this quickly.") Locked on Banter (Jolted Opponent).

"Katajikenai." ("I'm in your debt.") Revived.

"Mada shinu tsumori wanai." ("I don't plan on dying yet.") Revived.

"Tatakau ishi wa orete wa oranu." ("My will to fight is not broken.") Revived.

"Mada waraneba naranu koto ga aru." ("There is still something I must do.") Revived.

"Kasurikizu da." ("It's but a scratch.") Revived.

"Sawaruna." ("Don't touch me.") Revived (Warmonger).

"Watashi no shikai kara hazurete, akki." ("Out of my sight, fiend.") Revived (Warmonger).

And... finished. Now, I highly doubt Ubi is going to do anything like this given the direction they've been going with their hero design lately, but hey, who knows. Anyways, what are your thoughts?
submitted by Oddly_red47 to forhonor [link] [comments]

[Excalibur] - Part 28

I wrote this way quicker than I thought I would, so putting it up! Let me know if you cry! :)
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Osaka, 1952
Ocha douzo, Okamoto-sama,” Okamoto’s beautiful wife Michiko said as she placed the tea down beside him on the veranda. Okamoto smiled at her, amused at the over-formality. Bowing deeply with a wink, she scuttled back into the house, ever busy with her errands.
How she knew exactly when he would take a break, he never did know. But without fail, when he did, she would be there with freshly made tea.
This is the life, Okamoto thought as he drank the cool green tea and surveyed his land under his cone-shaped straw hat. ‘
With what he had saved from the war, they had been able to buy a sizeable plot just outside the centre of Osaka, prime for farming. In the year since, Okamoto had prepared the land, and was only now starting to yield his first full crops.
It wasn’t much, but it was enough. It was finally enough.
A year ago, he couldn’t have imagined believing that.
“Yoshi, don’t forget to take the extra down to the Orphanage! I told them you’d be coming today! If you go now you’ll be back in time for when Kenji finishes school,” Michiko called from inside the house.
Kenji, their son, was in the first year of secondary school, and loving life. He was a smart boy, and the fact he attended secondary school filled Okamoto with pride to the point of tears. His only flaw was a fiery temper that reminded Okamoto all too much of himself.
“Hai, Michiko Captain,” Okamoto called out in his military voice.
“Don’t call me that!” he heard his wife shout back, but he knew she would be smiling, just as he was.
Okamoto peered up to see Shirai-san approaching from one of the further rice fields, his shoulder stacked high with bundles of rice on his side that still had an arm.
“Oh, Shirai-san, otsukaresama,” Okamoto said as he jumped down to greet him, helping to take the bundle from the man’s shoulder.
(otsukaresama - thanks for the hard work)
“Please, take some rest. Would you like some tea? I can have Michiko make some more?” Okamoto asked, noting the lines of sweat trickling down the man’s forehead.
“No, no, I’m fine. I don’t want to cause a fuss.”
“Please, Shirai-san, you’ve been working so hard.”
“No, I insist. You gave me back my life, Okamoto-sama. I owe you everything. This is the least I can do.”
Okamoto nodded, knowing he wouldn’t be able to convince the man otherwise. Shirai was just one of many Okamoto and Tsukasa had saved during their years rampaging through Russian occupied Manchuria after the war’s end. Where exactly they had found him, Okamoto couldn’t even remember. His recall of the time was not the best.
Three such men worked for Okamoto on the farm. Even if society had turned its back on the forgotten soldiers of the war, Okamoto wouldn’t.
“Shirai-san, let us pay our respects.”
Inside Okamoto’s house, in a small room behind the main living area, an ornate shrine carved from ebony wood sprawled over the entire far-side wall. Okamoto and Shirai entered, bowing deeply.
“Shirai-san, douzo,” Okamoto said, motioning forward.
(douzo in this sense means, “go ahead”, or “please, go first”)
Shirai bowed, and moved forward to the shrine. Large doors were open and latched to its side, revealing levels of shelves that decreased in size as they rose up. An intricately carved temple with tori gates filled the centre level, wooden slats hanging from various places around it, names of fallen comrades carved deeply into them.
Trinkets of war, medals, the infantry handbook and other such pieces were placed around the other levels.
At the bottom, a large black bowl sat, a tong perched along its rim. In a tray of ash to the side stood burnt senko (incense candles).
Shirai’s gaze however, was drawn to the topmost shelf. A sword arched between two supports, a white tiger roaring down its side. Beneath it, a Russian Tokarev pistol.
Okamoto came alongside Shirai, helping the man to light a fresh senko and drawing his attention away from the blade. Shirai carefully placed it standing in the tray, and then lightly struck the bowl. A long and beautiful chime echoed in the room. Placing his own senko and striking the bowl once more, Okamoto joined Shirai, head bowed and praying.
Shirai, lacking one hand, simply held the other in the air.
Once the chime ended, Shirai stood. Making his thanks and bowing deeply, he slid the Shoji doors closed, and left.
Okamoto, left alone, stared at the blade. He could still feel its power, could still feel its calling, but each time he came to this shrine, each time he honoured the dead and their memories, he felt its power wane.
The orphanage was only a few kilometres away, and it didn’t take long to reach on his tricycle. Between the bike’s strong back wheels, a basket full to the brim of rice and vegatables was tied down. After the war, there were more Orphans than ever, and it broke Okamoto’s heart. Whenever he could, any extra he had would go to them, and then to other veterans less fortunate than he.
Dropping off the food and feeling his soul replenished by the smiles and giggles of the children who mobbed him, he went to return home. Much work still remained to finish on the farm before the day was up.
As Okamoto biked away from the old building and rounded the first corner, a bunch of youths almost blocked his way. Most were in their late teens or early twenties, by his estimates. Just young enough to have just missed the war. They were crowded round a smaller boy on a bike, tugging and pulling at his bag, the young boy obviously in distress.
Okamoto slowed down and jumped off his bike, striding over to them. His sweat covered arms were exposed in his simple vest, tanned and glistening in the sun, highlighting the sinewy muscle that stretched over skin lined with scars.
Without a moment's hesitation he entered the mass, most parting and allowing him through. Shoving away a few who didn’t, he reached the boy inside. Without a word, he gave him his bag and the boy rode off, not needing any encouragement to do so.
“Hey old man, what that hell do you think you’re doing?” Came a voice behind him, slurring and dragging his words like a rake through soil.
“What the hell am I doing?” Okamoto replied, looking at the man before him. His head was shaved roughly, bits of stubble growing unevenly over his chin. Despite being quite tall, he was very skinny, still more boy than man. Looking at the boy's dead eyes, he knew there would be a tragedy lurking within, some reason why he would be acting out in this way. But that was no different to Okamoto, no different to anyone in Japan. All had experienced the pain of war and its consequences.
Or, Okamoto thought, he could just be an idiot.
“What the hell do you guys think you are doing? What is this? Why are you picking on such a young boy? No one your own size to fight with?”
The other men in the group seemed surprised at Okamoto’s confidence, speaking so brazenly to their leader. Feeling the pressure of Okamoto’s gaze and his peers, the young man looked away.
Just a coward.
No response forthcoming, Okamoto turned to leave.
“Don’t let me catch you doing this again,” he said.
Footsteps slapped the road behind him. Okamoto twisted, lowering his head and raising his arms. The leader’s fist arched over where Okamoto’s head had been mere moments before. Okamoto rammed a punch hard into the young man’s stomach, feeling the soft bones of the lower ribcage bend under the force.
Doubling over, the boy wretched onto the road. Instinct took over Okamoto as he ran with his leg cocked, aimed for the boy's face.
If I crack the tip of my shoe into his temple, I’ll increase the chance of breaking his skull.
Okamoto smiled as his foot edged closer to its target. A searing heat began to burn in his belly, and with it, an excitement he hadn’t felt in a long time.
“Stop! Please!” the boy cried, shielding his head.
The sudden plea, sounding so child-like and innocent, snapped Okamoto out of his craze just in time to divert his foot away.
Okamoto slammed his fist on the low table, the glass of shouchu almost bouncing off at the impact.
( Shochu is a Japanese traditional hard liquor, distilled spirits made from grains and vegetables. )
Grabbing it, he gulped the contents down his throat, the ice at the bottom sounding noisily as it rolled around.
“What happened, darling?” his wife asked, her voice quiet and unsure.
Okamoto motioned for more drink, and his wife obliged, albeit with a worried eye.
“Bunch of gangster wannabes outside the Orphanage were picking on some school kid.”
His wife’s eyes shot open. “Yoshi, they are Yakuza! What...did you do?”
Okamoto sighed.
“I helped the kid get out of there.”
“...and then what?”
Okamoto looked at his wife, and took a deep breath.
“One of the idiots attacked me, so I defended myself.”
“And that’s it?”
“Yes! Would I lie to you, Michiko?” Okamoto shouted, his wife jumping at his loud voice.
Instantly Okamoto felt a sinking sadness and regret. He had never shouted at her before.
“I’m sorry, Michiko,” he said, seeing tears well up in her eyes.
“Tadaima,” Kenji’s voice called from the entrance way of the shouse, tired and low. Seemed like he wasn’t having a good day, either.
(Tadaima : I’m home)
Michiko rose to go and greet him.
“Kenji! What happened to your face?” she gasped just as Okamoto finished his second glass.
“Have you been fighting again?!” she shouted.
They came through the house and into the living area where Okamoto sat. Okamoto glanced up, expecting to see a slight bruise or maybe a small cut.
Kenji’s face was bruised all over, one eye almost shut.
The searing seed of anger that Okamoto had felt before exploded into a full blown rage.
He jumped up, throwing the glass at the wall.
“Who did this?!” he roared.
Kenji began to sob, his wide shoulders jerking up and down as he did.
“Otousan, I’m sorry,” he cried, “I am not strong like you.”
Shame clouded over Kenji’s features. His boy was ashamed. Upset. Scared. It all just added to the anger that was reaching boiling point inside of Okamoto.
“Just tell me who the hell did this, Kenji!” Okamoto yelled, his knuckles cracking under the pressure of his closed fists.
“Some guys, near the Orphanage. They pushed me off my bike. Took my bag. Started kicking me.”
“Anta, where are you going? Wait!” Michiko called.
But Okamoto was already gone.
In a trance of rage, Okamoto soon found them, congregating in a small park area near the Orphanage as dusk began to fall over the sky. Gangs like these had always been popular before the war, but Okamoto had hoped the combined war effort had put them to an end.
Wishful thinking.
A couple more members, older and bigger, had joined them. Okamoto didn’t care, nothing was going to appease his rage except their cries of pain. He would teach them a lesson.
At full speed, he dismounted his bike, letting it run straight into the throng. Striking two of them heavily, they fell to the ground under its weight.
Too late, another turned to see Okamoto’s fist just as it slammed into his jaw. In the same motion, Okamoto’s foot found a home in the stomach of the chubbier boy next to him.
But Okamoto wasn't as fast as he used to be.
Just as he went to strike the next man, a fist caught him round the head, sending him tumbling to the ground in a daze. A tall man, rolling up his sleeves to reveal tattoos, closed in.
“Get him!” he shouted.
A volley of kicks bombarded Okamoto’s body, until one struck his head, and everything went black.
“Oi, old man, wake up.” a rough voice coaxed Okamoto awake, as he felt someone slapping at his cheeks. Okamoto tried to see, but his eyes were so badly swollen that he could hardly make out the shapes before him. Hands lifted him up from behind, hooking under his shoulders and holding him tight.
“The old fool is awake,” the voice laughed.
“What should we do with him?” another voice, Okamoto recognised it as the boy from earlier.
Should have kicked him in the head.
“I say we cut him up,” the other voice laughed, a demented cackle of a broken mind.
Okamoto heard the flick of a knife.
A sharp pain stung against his cheek as a flash blurred before him.
“Haha , look, it pops like a spot!” the crazed man before him said. Okamoto could tell by the other voices around that not everyone was in agreement with the torture being bestowed upon him.
Okamoto’s heart stopped. Please, no, he thought, he begged. He tried to see, but could only make out vague shapes.
“Otousan!” the voice cried out. It was Kenji.
Gravity seemed to pull Okamoto down into the earth, his heart sinking as nausea rose up in its place.
“Kenji!” Okamoto screamed, “ Don’t come any closer! Go home, get—”
A punch struck Okamoto across the face.
“Oh look, the boys brought a sword with him, how cute!” the man with the knife laughed again, whipping his hand of blood.
No. God. No. Not the sword. Kenji isn’t strong enough, he won’t be able to handle it!
“Is this your old man, little boy?”
“I’m not a little boy, and my father is a hero!” Kenji cried.
Another strike landed into Okamoto’s stomach, a boot crashing into his cheek straight after. Landing face away from the scene, a knee held pressed into his back, pinning him down.
Kenji roared, and Okamoto heard him running into the men.
“Haha, he hasn’t even taken the sword out of the scabbard yet,” the vile creature before Okamoto sneered.
There was a shuffling of feet, a sudden exhalation of air, and a soft cry.
“Otousan…” Kenji muttered.
“You idiot, you stabbed him!” one of the men cried, “he's a kid!” Okamoto heard wet drips spill onto the dirt.
The pressure in his back released as the man atop him fled.
Pulling himself up and filled with dread, Okamoto stumbled on to his unsteady feet and hobbled to his son. Kenji was laid on the ground, hands pressed round his stomach. The sword lay to his side.
Panic filled Okamoto as his eyes darted around, the last of the gang disappearing out of sight.
“Help! Someone!” he screamed, picking his son’s head up off the dirt with a shaking hand.
Blood trickled out of the corner of Kenji’s mouth, matching the steady flow of tears from his eyes.
“Otousan, I’m sorry…” he said, his eyes half closed.
“No, no, no, don’t speak, I’ll get help,” Okamoto said, looking around once more, confused as to whether he should run to save his son, stay, or attempt to move him.
Looking at the wound, Okamoto tried to apply more pressure, but only more blood spilled forth. Kenji moaned in pain, a tired sound, like a baby.
My baby. My son! My flesh and blood!
“Kenji, Kenji, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Okamoto said, placing his forehead against Kenji's.
“Otousan…” Kenji said weaker still, his trembling hand rising up to Okamoto’s cheek, “ I’m so glad you came back. We’re happy now. I’m so happy…”
The hand fell away. Kenji’s eyes glazed over as his head lolled to one side.
“No! Kenji! No! No!” Okamoto screamed.
“My son!”
Okamoto checked his pulse, tears streaming from his stinging eyes and onto his hands. Nothing.
He pounded the ground, screaming and punching till his hands became raw and red.
“Why?!” he bellowed as a pool of blood began to form on the ground beneath them.
“He grabbed the sword, unsheathing it, holding it up in the air.
“Why? Why did you do this. Why?!” he cried, falling once more to the ground.
The pain swirled within him, growing faster and faster, heat building within. The pain turned to anger. Okamoto shook from head to toe, his brain igniting in a frenzy of absolute rage. Bones clicked, flesh stretched, his muscles burnt. His vision became clear as the pain of his body faded.
I’m sorry, Tsukasa! I never was as strong as you.
Gripping both hands to the hilt of the sword his mind exploded outwards, sensing where the gang had run to.
“I’ll fucking kill them,” he swore, “I’ll fucking kill them all, Kenji!”
Present day
Okamoto’s pent-house suite.
Tears rolled down Okamoto’s face as his eyes fixed onto the place where the bottle had broken far below, staring blank and unseeing. It had been a long time since he had thought of the past so vividly.
And with such power.
He knew it was not only him dredging through the past, but the sword, too.
Wiping the tears away, he walked back inside, and opened another bottle at the bar.
Pouring a drink and downing it in one gulp, he walked through the expansive pent-house, arriving at a small side room. Taking a deep breath, he opened the door and walked inside.
It had been a long time.
Doors closed and covered in dust on the far wall, was the shrine he had built all those years before. The same one from their family home.
With care, he slowly opened the doors.
On the main shelf, a small black and white picture of his wife and son was framed, faded and brown with age. Everything else was the same as it always had been.
Okamoto tenderly picked the frame up, and wiped off the dust. Looking at it, Okamoto wondered what his son would think of him now. He had taken his revenge. He had killed them all. Erased the connected gangs from existence, along with their families, their friends and whoever spoke of them.
In its place, he had set up his own, calling on old friends and those loyal to him. Together, they had sworn to protect all those who still depended on them. Other such groups quickly bent the knee in the face of Okamoto’s power. They adhered to his rules. His whims.
And the sword’s.
But he wasn’t the same as those he had sought to destroy. He wasn’t.
His son would know that, wouldn’t he?
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submitted by FatDragon to FatDragon [link] [comments]

[WP] For this year's assassination competition, the judges are looking for creativity and finesse. No excessive blood, collateral damage, and no witnesses.

Wow, this ended up long. I really enjoyed the idea of two sports commentators just narrating this, I thought it was really funny. I've never really tried to write something just using dialogue before, but I think it works here.
The logo of ESPN 8 swept across the screen, and then faded out to zoom in on two commentators sitting behind a desk. They looked nervous.
“Hello, everybody, and welcome back to the World Assassination championships, on ESPN 8, The Ocho! I’m Bob Costas, here with my co-host John Madden-”
“Hey there folks!”
“And if you’re just tuning in, we’re about to kick things off. Lets go to the roster in case you need to refresh your memory. John?”
“Thanks, Bob.” Now the TV displayed a view of a young man with black hair and eyes, and tan skin. He was wearing a mask over the lower half of his face, and loose black and grey clothing. “Kutsilyo, Kut to his friends, hails from the philippines. Now, his specialty is in knives and close up work, so it’s going to be a real challenge to see how he takes out his target without any witnesses. Smart money has him luring the mark into a dark corner, but how he’s going to do that in the middle of a crowded restaurant is anyone’s guess.”
“Right, because of course if one of our competitors is spotted killing someone, that’s an immediate disqualification.”
“That’s right Bob, and that would just be heartbreaking for some of these kids, given how many people they’ve had to kill to get here. Next up, we have Granate, from Germany,” the image was replaced by a slim woman, with well defined muscles, blond hair and blue eyes, also wearing a mask and dressed in dark colors, with a vest that left her arms exposed. “She’s the real surprise tonight, I think it’s safe to say that nobody expected a demolitions expert to make it to the finals. Nobody doubts that she can take out the target, but how she does it without any casualties is anybody’s guess.”
“And just a reminder for those tuning in, unauthorized casualties are allowed, but each one comes with a significant point deduction. Where’s her target at tonight, John?”
“Well Bob, in the interest of fairness, each of our competitors tonight has to kill an official from a minor nation state in a crowded restaurant, so there should be plenty of security to keep them on their toes. But to keep them from ruining each other's plans, each one is on a different continent. I believe Granate’s target is in eastern europe somewhere.”
“Well, that’s handy, probably not a long drive for her. Who else do we have tonight, John?”
“Well, we have Gaidoku, hailing from Japan,” and the image on the screen was now that of a japanese man, also wearing a mask, with colorful yakuza tattoos on his arms. He flexed them for the camera and seemed to smile behind his mask. “Gaidoku specializes in poisons and biological agents, so he has a lot of options here. He’s one of the favorites to win tonight, that’s for sure.”
“Definitely a tough competitor, that’s true, John. And that brings us to our final competitor of the evening, Viper, definitely a fan favorite.” Now a woman was shown on the screen, pale, with green eyes and dark hair. “I still think back to when her father, Cobra, won his third championship in a row. First time that’s ever happened, and his daughter shows that the dagger doesn’t fall far from the bandolier here.”
“That’s right, Bob, and it’s worth pointing out that she’s one of the few generalists to ever make it this far, besides her father, of course.”
“Yeah, she’s just an incredibly well rounded killing machine. She got through previous rounds using poisons, explosives, and in one notable case that had to go to the judges, a rottweiler on PCP. She’s definitely the one to watch in my book; if you can find her.”
“So stealthy.”
The graphics went away, and the camera was back on the commentators. “And this is what they’re playing for, folks.” Bob gestured offscreen, and the camera panned over to show the trophy, a sculpture of a hand holding a bloody dagger. “At the end of the night, that goes to the winner, and whoever ends up holding it gets first pick of all contracts for the next year.” The camera panned back over to Bob and John. “And we’re going to stay here in our secure bunker until then. Don’t worry, the signal has been scrambled, so any of you viewers at home should be safe from the authorities.”
“That’s a prize worth killing for, for sure, Bob.”
“It sure is, John. Lets see how they’ve started out. What’s Gaidoku up to?”
The camera cut to what looked like a security camera feed of a crowded restaurant, and the chevron at the bottom read ‘Thailand’. “I’m not sure...no, there he is.” A yellow circle was drawn around a waiter in a jacket and mask. “That’s him, looks like he went for the ‘hiding in plain sight’ approach for tonight’s games.”
“Not a bad move, considering the venue.”
“No, not at all Bob, and probably something we’re going to see a lot of tonight. Now, it looks like he’s even a waiter for the right table, so with a little luck, if he’s going for poison, he should be able to intercept it coming from the kitchen, here,” and a yellow arrow was drawn pointing to a door along the wall, “and then maneuver it past security, like so,” and another yellow arrow was drawn through the restaurant, curling around the security guards, “to kill the minister of defense for Thailand. He doesn’t have any known allergies, so I’ll be curious to see what he comes up with.”
“Even if he doesn’t go with poison, he’s pretty well positioned. He has a lot of options here.”
“That’s right, Bob. But the appetizers haven’t even come out yet, and he’s going to have a heck of a time getting out of there in a hurry without being seen. Let’s check in with Kut while we wait to see how this plays out.”
The screen cut over to a different crowded restaurant, the chevron at the bottom reading ‘Malaysia’. “And there’s Kut, also going with the waiter gambit,” Bob said, as a yellow circle was traced around one of the figures on the screen. “Interesting, because knives aren’t going to be all that useful for a waiter, but wait. What’s what?” The camera zoomed in, and Bob drew a yellow circle repeatedly around the water pitcher, where Kut was putting something in it. “Do you know what that is, John?”
“I have it right here, Bob, it’s part of the kit he requested for the night. Looks like...yes, it’s a diarrhetic. Interesting strategy.”
“Well, we were wondering how Kut was going to get his target alone, I guess we have our answer. It might not end up being the prettiest win, but you know what they say, the one who walks away is the winner.”
“You think he’s going to attack the minister of finance in the bathroom?”
“It sure looks like it, John. Not a bad strategy, but I’m not sure he’s thought through his escape plan yet.”
“Well, if he does it quietly, and avoids any blood spatter, or I guess any other kind of fluid spatter, he should just be able to walk out.”
“That’s true, and if anyone can do it it’s Kut, I’m just a little concerned that he hasn’t considered security.”
“I guess we’ll have to wait and see, let’s check in with Granate.”
The view on the screen changed, and now showed a different restaurant in Europe. The chevron read ‘Estonia’. There was silence, and then Bob said “I’m just not seeing her on the screen, are you John?”
“No, I’m not, but...wait, lets try something.” The view of the camera panned up until it had a view of the ceiling, which was 30 feet above the ground. “There she is.” A shadowy figure was circled in yellow, hanging suspended from the ceiling. It was attaching something else to the ceiling. “Now, what’s she doing there, Bob?”
There was the sound of shuffling paper. “I see it here on her kit, John, looks like that’s an HK-498 remote assault drone. Not even available to most governments.”
“Wow, they really spared no expense on this.”
“No they did not, John. It’s a remotely operated stationary turret, capable of firing over a hundred armor piercing rounds a minute. Definitely a bold choice here. She’ll definitely be able to take out the british ambassador, but the chance for collateral damage here is huge.”
“I’m wondering how she’s going to get out, personally. It’s a great strategy for taking out the target, but she really seems backed into a corner here.”
“I agree with you John, but...wait, what’s that?” Yellow arrows pointed to another section of the roof. “Are you seeing what I’m seeing, John?”
“That looks like a cutout escape hatch, Bob.”
“That’s what I thought. I don’t know how she managed that, but...wait, I’m hearing from our producers, we have some supplemental footage we’re going to cut to.”
The screen was replaced with the same view of the interior roof, but according to the timestamp, it was from the previous night, after everything was closed. They could see a saw cutting through the roof. “That’s amazing, John! She was somehow able to determine where she would be sent and it looks like she cut herself an escape hatch!”
“That’s the kind of thing you only see in the championships, Bob. We were wondering what a demolitions expert was going to do here, well, there’s our answer, she really went outside the box. I have to say, I don’t really see any problems with this plan. She might be taking home the trophy tonight, because if the rest of the field doesn’t get their act together, I don’t see how they stop her.”
“Well, let’s check in with Viper before we start declaring victory just yet.” The feed cut to a restaurant in Mexico, according to the chevron. “Now, in a bit of a twist, she’s been tasked with taking out the head of the Sinaloa Cartel, so this should be interesting.”
“That’s right, Bob, this is a man who is one of the biggest clients for the Assassins Guild, so if anyone should be prepared for an assault like this, it’s him.”
“Very true, John.” The camera panned back and forth for a while. Then it did the same thing as it cut to the kitchen, storeroom, coatroom, bathrooms, and finally the parking lot. “I’m not seeing her John, are you?”
“No Bob, no sign of her.”
The camera cut to the two men sitting behind their desk. “Well, I’m sure she’s going to show up sooner or later. We’re going to get a quick word from our sponsor, and then we’ll be right back.”
The television cut to a commercial, and a soothing voice spoke over peaceful scenes. “Boss got you down? Does your wife just not seem to understand you anymore? Someone cut you off in traffic? Try asking your local assassins guild about...murder. Murder is an all natural remedy for anyone in the world that might be giving you problems. It can be used as often as you want, on an as needed basis, for whatever obstacles life might throw your way.” A very fast voice over began. “Murder is not legal in any country on earth, use at your own risk. Side effects include sleepless nights, feelings of guilt and depression, suicidal thoughts, insufficient cash, and liking it too much. Do not consult anyone at all if you are considering contracting a murder.” The original soothing voice returned. “So next time life gets you down, reach out to your local assassins guild, and ask if murder is right for you.”
The camera returned to the show and zoomed in on Bob and John sitting at their desk. John put his hand over his microphone and leaned over to Bob, and whispered something. Bob shook his head and whispered something back, but the mic was able to pick up “...don’t smell anything.” The two of them looked at the camera and smiled.
“Welcome back folks, we’ve had some exciting developments in the last few minutes, so we’re going to take you to Gaidoku first.”
The scene cut to Thailand again, and it showed Gaidoku, who had been tackled by security. The Minister of Defence was dead with a knife in his throat, and his wife was slumped over on the table.
“Lets go to the replay,” said John.
The camera rewound, and started playing in slow motion. “Okay so we were right, Bob, it looks like he was going for poison. You can see here,” the camera froze, and a yellow circle was drawn around Gaidoku’s hand, as he poured something into the soup, “where he poisoned the soup for the Minister of Defence, but if we fast forward a bit,” the camera zipped ahead to right after the food had been placed in front of the diners, “you can see pretty easily where this all went wrong for him.” The camera started playing, and the Minister’s wife looked at her soup, then at his, and laughed while she swapped them. She said something in thai, and the subtitles translated it as ‘yours is always better than mine’. He chuckled at her, then dug into what had been her soup. She took a spoonful, closed her eyes in enjoyment, then took another. Halfway through the soup, she started choking and grabbed her throat. Her husband started yelling at the guards for help, but they couldn’t do anything. Someone pointed to Gaidoku, and he hurled a knife from across the room, striking the minister in the eye, but he was subsequently tackled as he tried to run for an exit. He killed 4 people trying to escape, but was eventually brought down by tasers.
“That’s just a real shame, John. He had so much potential, but that’s really something he should have seen coming. She did the same thing with their drinks and appetizers, this is honestly a pretty surprising fumble coming from someone of his reputation.”
“Yeah, it’s definitely surprising, Bob, I would have expected him to have this locked down. At the very least, I would have expected him to have a backup plan in case this didn’t work. But just throwing a knife from across the room? I honestly have to say, if that’s his play, I’m pretty surprised he made it this far.”
“Me too, John, and I think a lot of the people out there probably agree with us. Well now, let’s go to Kut, in malaysia, maybe he’s having a better night.”
The camera cut to a video of Kut calmly walking away from the restaurant, as he threw his jacket in a nearby trash can. He unbuttoned his shirt a bit, rolled up his sleeves, mussed his hair, and was a completely different person after 50 feet. “Well, looks like he’s had a good night, lets go to the replay.”
The camera switched to a view of the bathroom, from 5 minutes ago, according to the timestamp. The Finance Minister ran into the bathroom, followed by two bodyguards. They each took a stall and slammed the door shut. Kut entered after them, and locked the door behind him. He looked under the stall doors for the shoes, then nodded to himself, and kicked down the one for the finance minister. The camera had a glimpse of a man looking up in confusion before Kut slammed a knife into his eye, then leaned out of the way of the blood. The two security guards came out, pants around their ankles, which made it easy for Kut to eliminate them the same way. He then unlocked the door and exited the building immediately.
“Well, not the cleanest kill, but after what we saw from Gaidoku, definitely an improvement, wouldn’t you say, John?”
“Oh, no doubt Bob, he’s going to lose some points for unnecessary casualties, but it was only two, and all things considered that went really well for him. I really don’t know what else a blade specialist would do in this situation. He really couldn’t have asked for a better outcome here. At least we know he’s not coming in last. Now Bob, the security guards were definitely aware that he murdered their client, do you think they might disqualify him for that?”
“I was just checking the rules on that, John, and it says that as long as the witnesses aren’t available to testify, he’s in the clear. Definitely some good news there for Kutsilyo.” “Well, that’s great to hear, Bob. Let’s check in on Granate.”
The camera cut to a video of a coffee shop in Estonia. Granate was dressed differently, sitting at a table in the corner. Once the camera cut to her, she looked up from her book, smiled at the camera, waved with her fingers, then hit a button on her phone.
The camera cut back to the restaurant, where the security drone had fired a bullet straight through the head of the ambassador from Great Britain. The scene was chaos.
The feed returned to Bob and John, sitting at their desk. Bob threw up his hands. “That was just perfect, John. I don’t know how you top that. She wasn’t even in the building when she killed him! I know she went into this as an underdog, but I think she’s proven everyone wrong tonight.”
“That really was outstanding work, Bob.” The camera went to a slow motion replay of the drone firing. “Look at that angle. Perfect. If she’d been even a few degrees off here,” he drew some arrows on the screen, “or here” he drew some more, “the there would have been some civilians in the line of fire for sure, but she threaded that needle perfectly. At this point, I’m wondering if Viper even has a chance.”
“Well, let’s check in on Vipers target and find out.” The camera cut to the Mexican restaurant. It went through all of the rooms as before, but they couldn’t find her. It cut back to Bob and John.
Bob yawned hugely. “Oops, sorry about that folks. I guess it’s a little later than I thought. I’m really not sure what’s going on here, are you John?”
John shook his head slowly. “No, I’m not sure what game she’s playing here, but Viper only has a few more minutes before Granate is declared the winner.” He yawned himself and put a hand in front of his mouth. “Wow, excuse me.” He rubbed his eyes. “Hey bob, I think I’m just gonig to...put my head down for a minute, if you don’t mind.” He put his head on the desk.
Bob was nodding slowly. “Yeah, I think that sounds like a good idea.” He slumped forward onto the desk.
The camera stayed on them. Behind them, a ceiling panel opened, and a slim woman wearing a gas mask dropped out. She walked up to Bob and John, and poked them in the shoulder to confirm they were asleep. Then she nodded and hit a button on her phone. She walked over to the trophy and lifted it in one hand, and walked to stand in front of the camera. Her mouth couldn’t be seen, but she gave the impression of smirking. “Like they said, whoever is holding the trophy at the end is the winner. Beat that, Dad.”
The feed cut out.
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Glitches In The Sky Chapter One [4509]

Warning: Moderately Obscene Language, Gore

It’s raining hard outside, sheets of pouring rain smashing onto the roofs of apartments, offices, and shops. Kyoto will drown if this storm keeps up, I think. My hand hovers over the kiosk as I look at dozens of drink choices. I riffle through a few before I find one I like; vodka, one of the cheaper drink selections imported from Poland. I finish making my order and pay a total of ¥700 with the scanning of my identification card. My eye is on the shelves of drinks behind the counter, each bottle containing fluids ranging in color from bright fuchsia to translucent ivory.
I lay back slightly in my seat, the beating rain outside like music to my ears. My gaze falls upon a cactus-shaped slab of chartreuse metal encompassed by emerald neon lights, the iconic logo of the Lone Ranger bar. It illuminates the entire room with a faint green glow, and along with the cheery music, it creates a calm atmosphere.
Behind me, four tattooed figures sit in a circle on white couches, downing mugs of tap beer as cigarette smoke surrounds them; they are obviously members of a syndicate. Another booth is occupied by an upper-class couple clinking their glasses filled with exotic wines. I am an outcast here, an alcoholic citizen coming to drink only because there is nothing else to do.
“Here, sir,” a voice declares behind me. I turn to see the barista- probably no more than twenty years old- holding out a shot of vodka. I can’t help but think that I’ve seen her somewhere before, but I shrug it off. My eyes are glued onto the small glass shot cup as I mumble a half-articulated thanks. My obsessed posture screams addiction.
Gingerly, I place the cup to my mouth and stare at the liquid below. The drink is transparent to the point where it can be mistaken as water if it weren’t for a strong fragrance rising up from the glass. I point the bottom of the shot demitasse towards the ceiling, and the vodka slides into my mouth.
I swallow.
It is like consuming pure nostalgia. Vague and blurry images stir in my mind, but I feel the ever so clear presence of reminiscence. Relishing the feel, I ask for another shot, and another, and then another. Soon there is a pile of empty glasses, and my head starts to spin. I press the cold glass to my forehead to clear the dizziness.
My vision sways back and forth in a wave-like pattern, and my head rolls toward my right shoulder. The room is spinning, the couches, the customers, the employees, all revolving around me. The room just won’t stop spinning…
The feel is intoxicating, a different kind of high, and in a subconscious daze, I press my shot cup onto the counter. More. Even though I feel the weight of drunkenness, I want more. I need more. I demand more. And so with my brain completely absent, I ask for more.
The barista surveys me with ambivalence and turns for yet another shot cup. She says something to her friend, who eyes me carefully, and despite my scrutiny, I cannot make out their conversation. Everything is blurry and obscure. I stand up and walk around aimlessly for a moment; I start to think about something- perhaps it was my family- but I quickly forget what it was. By the time I careen back to my seat, the vodka shot is already waiting on the counter. I grab it and slowly bring it to my mouth, and then quaff the entire thing. The room spins again, and I know that I am drunk, full of the drink that is like ambrosia to me. And in this moment, a moment of longing and memory, I accept insanity; it’s not an abnormality, simply a coping asset. My vision blurs, but in the blindness I see light. Light like at the end of a tunnel. I stand up, only half-awake, and wobble towards the white recliner I’ve grown so accustomed to. Collapsing onto the comfortable cushions, and I stare up at the analog clock. The time is 9:01.
I blink. Maybe it really is too late for revenge. Maybe it is too late for completion. I close my eye; the ebony rim of the clock is the last sight I see before I fall into dormancy, letting my dreams becomes destiny.
Fluorescent white light engulfs my vision as my eyes flutter open. Blinking profusely, I stare at the clock conveying the time. There are dark spots in my eyes, and for a few seconds, I am unable to tell how long I’ve been sleeping. My head throbs from hangover and I regret the night’s activity.
After a few moments in blindness, I squint at the clock. The minute hand ticks slowly towards midnight. I have a few seconds to compose myself, a few seconds to choose, and a few minutes to act. I can’t give up now. I can’t. Not when I have not fulfilled my life’s purpose. I jump out of the cushion in distress, ignoring the drums banging in my skull, and trot to the front exit of the Lone Ranger. With a glance behind me, I see that the bar is still relatively full of syndicate members; the barista that had served me is still working, although she barely notices me.
The flow of tap beer behind the counter echoes against the moody music. I turn the brass knob on the door and push, immediately thwarted by the sound of rain splashing on concrete. I slip my dust mask back on and extend a hand into my small haversack and grab a translucent umbrella. Extending it, I step up the companionway into an elevated alley.
“Stupid rain,” I spit in frustration, in spite of experiencing precipitation ranging from light sprinkles to voracious downpours nearly every other day in summer. Perhaps I just want to say something after two hours of silent slumber, but I am still only talking to myself.
Nobody to talk to, nobody to care about, nobody to love…
I hold the umbrella over my head, watching as raindrops slide off the biodegradable nylon surface and drip onto the floor. I stare above the suburban sprawl to see the skyline of downtown Toyko. Shrouded in midnight mist, glass and concrete skyscrapers radiate bright hues of every color. Some stretch over a kilometer into the iridescent black sky. The sight is truly arresting, more magnificent than anything my home, a place notoriously known by the civilians as Neon District, could muster.
The downtown area of Kyoto, famously nicknamed the District of the Zaibatsu, shines gloriously in the distance. The twin towers of the Halogen Associates Digital Service Corporation stand sentinel over the city, rivaling the neighboring Akane Enterprises skyscraper. The shadow of the enormous buildings cast a radiant blanket on the streets of the suburban townships in almost poetic symbolism of their constant presence. I need to hurry, or I’ll miss my chance, I think, but the city draws me in.
The neon giants of Kyoto are truly the pinnacle of the capitalist world. The windows of the skyscrapers are constructed wholly of photovoltaic glass, which a mere twenty years ago was a rare commodity. The advertisements that rest on designated commercial palettes are either digital, holographic, or composed of noble gases. Maybe that artistic part of me is still alive, I think. The city is just so beautiful… I force myself to snap out of the daze, ashamed at my behaviour, and start my way back down to the lower street.
I hold the metal railing of the stairwell with my free hand and jog down the step, staring at the Krypton Solutions store. The company is a branch of its parent conglomerate, Akane Enterprises, and so there are many prosthetics and such for sale inside. There is almost nobody on the street, only a few of the urban vagrants- Wanderers, us citizens call them, for their habit of walking aimlessly on the streets, or perhaps as an emblem of their unclear moral paths. The vagabonds sit around their makeshift fireplaces, talking; some hold empty whiskey bottles, others exhale smoke from their wooden cigars pipes, others laughing like hyenas. Almost all of them wear tattered, grimy leather jackets or ripped and dirty sweatshirts.
There are only twenty meters between me and Krypton.
My eyes dart side to side, scanning the area. One my right, I see a bridge leading to the Shizukesa Plaza, built over a river of polluted water and oppidan sewage. On my left, I see the Shiguto Apartments, a home for the middle and upper-class citizens. The quite spacious rooms of Shiguto Apartments are adorned with luxurious furniture compared to the average apartment of a Neon District civilian; a sizeable portion of the populace refers to the Shiguto residents as ‘rulers in hell’. As I walk forward a bit more, I see the City Security Precinct in my peripheral vision, looming over Neon District like a shadow. City Security, arguably more infamously known as ‘The Watch’, are mostly resented among the people for the corrupt personality of their junior officers, as well as their tendency to accept bribes.
There are only fifteen meters between me and Krypton.
I look forward with a focused stare, though everything in my periphery is barely comprehended. The Halogen shop adjacent to Krypton is hard to ignore, however, especially the chrome array of lights flashing out the company name. Beyond the logo are shelves of augmented reality optic lenses, smartwatches, smartphones, and laptop computers. In the reflective rain-covered glass of the Halogen store, I see my reflection. I cringe at it- a one-hundred-eighty centimeter tall disheveled figure stares back at me, eyes tired yet filled with wrath. A monster created by other monsters. For a second I imagine a boy of fifteen with happy eyes, laughing and running in a field of falling cherry blossoms, munching on a five yen mochi from the park stands. I swallow hard, and my eyes start to sting. I turn my head away and continue walking.
There are only ten meters between me and Krypton.
My eyes follow the Halogen shop, and at the top, there is a room that looks as if it were an oversized shipping box. Paint peels off its walls and there is a windowless metal door guarding the entrance. A blue glow emits from the small window on the side of the room, so faint that it looks as if it were sunlight fighting to penetrate a wall of water a kilometer thick. It looks extremely ominous, but today is not the day to put the investigation of the undiscovered over the campaign of the certain. It’s never too late for retribution, is it? I clench my fists. I can still do this.
There are only five meters between me and Krypton.
The Neon District Gym is starting to close. There are only a few minutes before the last of the late-night bodybuilders leave. I see three people total in the gym, completely negligent of the closing time. One of the visitors is a middle-aged woman in her twenties jogging on a treadmill with an energy drink in her hand. From the look of it, she seems to be listening to music. Another is a stoic looking man with a jacket slung over his shoulder, tank top dripping with sweat. The punching bag behind him still has dents the size of basketballs on its surface. The last one is a younger girl holding a can of Coca-Cola. It’s strange to see such a small child in such a dangerous place at such a dangerous time, holding of all things a high-sugar soda that is not exactly conducive to exercise.
There are only three meters between me and Krypton.
The three bright panels in front of Krypton exude a titian light, giving my blue jacket an orange tone. The panels flash the slogan of the company; ‘Upgrade Yourself’. There is a corner alleyway to the right side of the store, and I head towards it.
The alleyway is not very big, and a large green dumpster takes up most of the already limited space. The three sides of the alleyway consist of the right wall of the Krypton Solutions store and two oriental-style concrete walls. Leaning on the dumpster is an ambiguous middle-aged man in a three-piece suit and black shades. His nearly two-meter tall frame dwarfs me, and his muscles are prominent even through his fancy attire. He raises both eyebrows and smiles as he sees me approach him. “You finally came,” the man says in Chinese. “I thought you had chickened out.”
“A deal’s a deal,” I respond in kind. “And I don’t break promises.”
“Bit late, I would say,” the man says, looking down at his golden wristwatch. He tilts his sunglasses downwards and reveals his eyes.
“I got drunk and passed out, what do you expect? I’m here now.”
“Right.” He reaches into a suit pocket and produces a knife. He tilts the sharp point towards me. “Not the best one on the market, but it will kill.” He chuckles. “See, I honestly don’t know why you couldn’t retrieve a weapon in more… legitimate ways. Civilians like you don’t belong in the black market.” He scans me with his eyes. “Especially not at such a young age.”
“You don’t know me the way I do.” I counter. “Legitimate is far behind me now.”
“Yes. But couldn’t you just take a knife from your apartment?”
“No. I mean, yes. But I wouldn’t stain the knives I use for food with someone else’s blood. I’m not a psychopath.”
“If you’re not a psychopath, then why are you buying a knife on the black market?” The man asks. “Seems pretty psycho to me, you know.”
“Excuse me?!”
“Er... that was a joke.”
“Uh, I really don’t get how your paying for all of this. You work at a grocery store and spend most o’ your money on alcohol anyways.”
“I live off of my parents’ money. I just found a job because it’s what my parents would want.”
“Any good parents wouldn’t want their child drinking like you. Or buying on the black market like you,” the man says mockingly, almost condescendingly. “So you’re clearly picking and choosing what part of your parents’ wishes you want to follow.”
“Just take my goddamn money!” I shout, waving a handful of cash in front of him. “Just give me the knife so I can do what I have to do, damn it!”
“Fine. As you say, then.” He extends an open palm from his right hand and holds the knife in his left. “Trade?”
At this I press the bills, worth around ¥4000, into the man’s open palm. He laughs as he sees the money. He pockets the bills and puts the knife in my hand. “I don’t normally do this type of business. Nice to see someone finally buying a permanent fix to their problem rather than a temporary one.”
“I’ve been living like this for too long. Emptiness and sorrow, and then a sprinkle of euphoria and false hope, and after that emptiness and sorrow again,” I respond. I pause for a moment before saying, “Well then, thank you.”
The man nods. “Sayounara; the name’s Guan Yehu.” He leans back further on the dumpster and lifts his shades back into place. He counts the money, admiring the bills. As I leave, he calls back to me. “Whatever you’re doing with that thing, good luck.”
I canter away from Krypton holding the newly purchased knife in my hand. Within seconds of my brisk movements, I am at the bridge. I divert my eyes from the sight of the inky sepia refuse below, settling my eyes on a much more elegant view, the dragon statue in the middle of Shizukesa Plaza. There are a few city security officers patrolling the areas.
I tread the concrete floor of the plaza and keep walking forward. The flap of my jacket skims the marble simulacrum of the mythical beast, and I rotate my body right. Sighing, I take a moment to look at the things I have taken for granted. The smell of moisture in the air, the soft glow of the lights in the shops, the creepy darkness in the depths of the unlit parking lot entrance, the rainbow glow of ads shining into the square…
I must do this today, and every second is of the essence. I cannot let procrastination be at fault for failure. A newfound rush of purpose fills my body, and I turn swiftly, headed towards the underground parking lot. By this point, the ground starts to gently slope down. The Quick motorcycle shop is already closed, the Lee’s Defense gunshop is vacant, and the BeFashion clothing outlet is also empty. I give a grim smile. No witnesses- at least none close enough to stop me in time.
“Today is the day,” I whisper, and almost as if on cue, a midnight black McClaren pulls into the parking lot from the opposite side which I am standing. He is coming from the District of the Zaibatsu, it seems. I immediately back away into the shadows of a nearby alleyway. Kabetarou Takahashi, the Chief Financial Officer of Andromeda Innovations, steps out of his voluptuous vehicle and into the parking lot alone. He’s always alone. He’s always wandering the streets late at night instead of attending late cocktail parties. He’s diligent, adventurous, agile. We’re both somewhat of outcasts, anomalies. Maybe that’s how he got in touch with the syndicates. Maybe that’s how I got in touch with alcohol.
We may be both scared, we may be both isolated. But he is evil. And I am not.
Kabetarou Takahashi, the man who planned my father’s murder, the man who dictated my mother’s imprisonment, the man who caused my sister’s suicide. Rage, six years old and bubbling, floods back. Wrath, images of stab after stab after stab, resurface. My face tightens and a tear rolls down my eyes. My knife vibrates from my vindictive shaking, fueled by a cacoethes for murder.
I remember the day where my life took a turn for the worse. Vividly.
The sound of a fist on wood echoed through the apartment room. My younger sister Aimi, only twelve at the time, stood up to get the door but my father arrived there first. He opened the door and two Kanto yakuza members barreled in. They both were towering men, tattoos covering their naked upper body. Their hair was dripping wet from rain, but they were not cowed. In their hands were Uzi firearms, and before my father could meekly say ‘good day’, there was a series of flashes, dents in the wall, and almost a dozen bloody holes in my father’s body. He was dead before he hit the ground.
There was a pause, the two syndicate members lowering their guns, my mother, sister, and I in shock, unable to comprehend the situation. My mother snapped out of her stiff position and ran towards my father. She fell onto her knees by his side, my father’s cold hand in hers. My mother turned around violently to face the criminals.
“What are you doing?! What did you do to him?!” My mother screamed. Her eyes were wet, but I couldn’t tell if it was from grief or fear; likely both. “All this for what? Because he le-” My mother was cut off as one of the syndicate members stepped behind her and put a gag into her mouth.
“He’s dead. And if you don’t cooperate, you will be, too.” The first thug said, and then turned to his accomplice. “Spare the kids, Kabetarou told us not to touch them.”
The second thug violently gripped my mother’s arm and dragged her through the doorway and out of sight. The first thug looked over, inspecting, and was about to leave when my sister cried, “Kill us too! We can’t live without them! We’re family, either we’re all alive or we’re all dead! I won’t live without them! Just kill us, too!”
“Sorry kid,” the criminal said. “Can’t touch you.”
“Why, then?” My sister had her face buried in her hands and was hyperventilating. “Why did have you do that? To… kill them?”
“If you knew what they did, you would understand.” And with that, the criminal picked up my father’s leg and left, leaving a trail of blood where my father used to lay, where he made his last stand against fate.
As soon as the thugs left, I grabbed my sister by the arm and pulled her violently to face me. “What was that?” I demanded. “Are you trying to get us killed?”
“What’s the point of even living without them?” She cried. “Why are we even alive? We should have been the ones. We should have died!”
The same night, my sister, deep in a state of depression, climbed to the roof of the apartment building and jumped off. The most crippling moments in my life were those where the effervescence, the happiness and sorrow and laughter and tears and hopes and dreams, the very humanity, left the eyes of my father, my mother, and my sister. The next day I slumped to the bank and withdrew all the money from my parents’ bank account, then bought a train ticket and left Osaka in time to escape a scheduled press conference.
I had nobody left to love, nothing left to cherish, but one person to kill. The first days I thought it was myself. I desperately wanted to take after my sister. But as that momentous day replayed over and over in my head, one name became first a thought, then a voice, then a chant, and then a roaring current of fury and rage. Kabetarou Takahashi. He was known for many syndicate-related scandal accusations, and the thugs who killed my parents even said his name. It had to be him. I went by train to Kyoto, the city where I knew he lived. Then I could have my vengeance.
Kabetarou becomes a silhouette as he leaves the light and safety of the parking lot. The man who destroyed my family. The man who destroyed me. He is making a turn for the corridor which will lead him into the East Sector’s Tengoku Sky Condos, out of the hostile streets, the shady slums, and the impoverished city. He is making a turn towards sanctuary. Now is the time to avenge the family- the life- which I’ve lost.
But is discovering vengeance really worth risking my humanity? For a short moment I hesitate, but I continue. Since when did I even care about this humanity shit, anyway? I’ve almost reached my life’s goal and now I’m questioning the morality of this? Pathetic. I hold my knife like a dagger and raise it to my chest, slowly walking towards Kabetarou.
I am getting too close for him not to be suspicious. I need to act- now. I sprint towards him and then jump. My left foot collides the ground with a thud as I propel my entire body into the air, raising the knife up to stab. The sound makes Kabetarou turn around, and he is quick to react, but I am already over him, holding the knife above his head. We topple to the floor, and he reaches out his right arm block my arm. In the struggle, we strain against each other, but I rapidly retract my arm and make a move for his chest.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?!” Kabetarou yells, but before he can finish the last syllable, the knife plunges into his chest. He stops mid-sentence, blood gushing out of the wound and his mouth. For a moment he just stares up, shocked, and my damp eyes meet his. I pull the blade out and stab again- and again, and again, and again. “What am I doing?!” I ask, infuriated. “What am I doing?! I’m making you pay for your mistakes, you egotistical bastard!” I yell, though I know he cannot hear. “I lost everybody because of you!”
Boys don’t scream.
Blood, blood that is not mine, sprays up to soak my hand, leaving droplets of the substance dripping on my sleeve. At that moment, I feel no remorse, no regret, only pure adrenaline. But maybe, behind the curtain of emotionlessness, my soul is beyond repair. I move my hand upwards, towards Kabetarou’s neck. The blade slides past his thyroid cartilage and through his esophagus, not slowing until it hits the concrete ground. “How do you like it? How do you like the piquancy of blood?” I say, though I know he cannot taste.
Boys don’t mourn.
I hold a leaning position on the blade and pull up sadistically, making chunks of flesh fly on the ground. I slide the knife downwards above his neck and finally stab him in the chest, the blade sliding right between his ribs. He is dead but I want more. Tears stream down my face and mix with the rain. “Does it hurt?” I ask him, though I know he cannot feel. There are tremors in my voice, and hot air circulates inside my dust mask. “Does it? Do you know what pain you’ve caused me now?”
Boys don’t cry.
I rip the knife out of his right lung and raise the gory shank high above my head with both hands. With my knees on both sides of his corpse, I expel my entire body weight into the blade and drive the weapon into his heart. It is now when I notice three armed policemen aiming their guns for their own kill. I stumble to my feet and give one last look at Kabetarou’s maimed carcass, surrounded by a pool of burgundy-colored fluid flowing like rivers into hideous yet satisfying reservoirs on the ground. “And that is the godforsaken fluid you don’t deserve a milliliter of!” I call out, though I know he cannot see. I turn back to face the officers, their guns pointing at me. My job is done, I think. I want to stand my ground, to let the bullets pass through me, but I can’t.
Boys don’t run.
I stare into the dark barrel of one of the guns, cold and unforgiving. One of the officers says something, and I have no time to ponder whether behind one of the helmets, behind the synthesized uniform of cold steel, there is another human, hesitant and afraid. Adrenaline engulfs my body, drowning out all thought, and I sprint by instinct into a caliginous alleyway to escape my pursuers. As if all of hell was chasing after me, I run against the wind, softened into zephyr by the buildings of the district, allowing the rain to wash away the blood on my hands and cleanse the scars in my soul.
submitted by LemonX19 to WritersGroup [link] [comments]

Need some Ideas on expanding my zombie survival groups.

Here is what I have thus far, I would love some suggestions.
[ Washington group ]
Leader: Frank Downse Age: 53 Sex: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian. Height: 6'4". Weight: 210lbs. [Flabby muscle] Eye colour: Light Blue. Hair coloustyle: Light brown/grey, thick but receding. Facial hair: Light brown/grey, handlebar mustache w/thick stubble. Appearance: Wears his old letterman jacket from college [green&blue, w/a NASCAR shirt from the 80s] , blue jeans, old white tennis shoes. Gear: shin guards, elbow pads, leather work gloves w/brass knuckles sewn into the fabric, his old football helmet [which he keeps latched on his belt for emergencies], and his gym bag. Weapons/necessities : Hunting rifle, Beretta w/suppressor, steele bat, 2 boxes of ammunition, Winchester hunting knife, canteen full of water, and 5 ready made food packs. Former job: College football star, turned college football coach. Loss: His wife Sarah, and their only son Ryan. Kill count: 50 Undead | 4 People
Rest of the group
Scavenger: Bethany Ross Age: 28 Sex: Female Ethnicity: Caucasian Height: 5'5" Weight: 125lbs. Eye colour: Hazel Hair coloustyle: Natural ginger, shoulder length. Appearance: She wears a pink graphic t-shirt, an old friendship bracelet, tan cargo pants, brown shin high strap on boots, 3 earrings in her left hear and 2 in the other, a nipple ring on her right breast a small, heart tattoo on her neck, a star tattoo on her ankle, and a group of b&w flowers on her right butt cheek. Gear: Her older brother's arm guards, and an old swat helmet she found, a bullet proof vest, and a backpack. Weapons/necessities : Police baton, fire axe, and a police issued sidearm, two bottled waters, jar of applesauce, and a can of beans. Former job: Escaped convict, she was a sales associate. Criminal record: 5 counts of indecent exposure, 3 counts of grand theft auto, breaking and entering, 2 counts of Driving under the influence of alcohol , and illegal selling of stolen objects. Loss: Her step father Anthony, mother Catherine, and younger sister Audra. Kill count: 6 Undead | 0 People
Archer: David Upcher Age: 40 Sex: Male Ethnicity: African-American Height: 5'8" Weight: 158lbs. Eye colour: Dark brown Hair coloustyle: Black, Shaved Facial hair: Black, Full beard Appearance: He wears a dark red polo, white dress pants, black dress shoes, and a black cap with his company logo on it. Gear: Archery glove and forearm protection, quiver, and leather computer bag. Weapons/necessities: Pocket knife, 8 sharp tipped arrows, compound bow, water bottle, box of half eaten crackers, and two cans of tomatoes. Former job: Archery instructor Loss: No one Kill count: 10 Undead | 1 Person Companion: His Wife Tabetha, former history teacher, age 37, ethnicity African-American.
The teenager: Rose Espeñurita Age: 17 Sex: Female Ethnicity: Hispanic-American Height: 5'0" Weight: 98lbs. Eye colour: Dark brown Hair coloustyle: Black, straight waste length. Appearance: School issued cheerleading uniform (white and crimson red), knee high sock of the same colour, white tennis shoes, and diamond earrings. Gear: [refer to character listed below] Weapons/necessities: Pepper spray, pocket sized handgun, and women's health products. Former job: Highschool cheerleader Loss: Her mother Roberta Kill count: 0 | The Soldier: Markus Espeñurita Age: 45 Sex: Male Ethnicity: Hispanic Height: 6'6" Weight: 234lbs. [Muscle] Eye colour: Dark brown Hair coloustyle: Black, short mohawk Facial hair coloustyle: Black, Short trimmed beard, long goatee. Appearance: Wears his military issued pants, combat boots, white t-shirt w/bulletproof vest over top, it has the Punisher skull spray painted on it, military issued gloves. He has a marine corps tattoo on his left forearm, a pin-up tattoo of his wife on his left bicep, a web tattoo on his left elbow, Fuck Off tattooed on his knuckles, a dargon tattoo sleeve that goes from his right side of his neck, down to his right hand. Gear: Military issued travel bag, shin/elbow guards, dust mask and goggles. Weapons/necessities: Military issued sidearm w/suppressor, M16 w/suppressor, 6 full M16 magazines, 5 Sidearm magazines, first aid bandages, and 8 ready made meals. Former job: Marine combat instructor Loss: His Wife Roberta, best friend Nick Kill count: 90 Undead | 23 People
[ California Group ]
Leader: Yoshida Tomako Age: 32 Sex: Male Ethnicity: Japanese Height: 5'9" Weight: 157lbs. Eye colour: Dark brown Hair coloustyle: bleach blonde, slicked back executive. Appearance: Black suit, white dress shirt w/black tie, black dress shoes. A small silver earring in each ear, a silver ring on his index right index finger, the tip of his left pinkie and ring finger are missing, a koi fish transforming into a dragon tattooed on his back, two sleeves of traditional yakuza tattoos continuing from his back. Gear: brass knuckles, a sheath for his katana on his back, a holster on each side of his chest for his black gripped Wasp Derringer Revolvers. Weapons/necessities: Two black gripped Wasp Derringer Revolvers, a Katana, a pocket full of ammunition, matches, a pack of cigarettes, two packs of ready made rice, and a canteen full of tap water. Former job: Foot soldier for the Kobayashi family [Yakuza crime family] Loss: Younger sister Hinumi Kill count: 145 Undead | 72 People
The story is from two groups, one in Washington and the other in California. I plan on having them meet at some point, then having them try to make it far up north. I intend on making several other groups that they will encounter on their journey.
submitted by Rowe1930 to CharacterDevelopment [link] [comments]

Japanese view on Irezumi on westerners?

I've often been under the impression that the Japanese view most Irezumi work as yakuza tattoos and are generally looked down upon more so than normal tattoos. Always assumed if you have any sort of Irezumi work on you and a legit Yakuza sees it, you're dead. Anyone here been to Japan with their tattoo displayed ever have any issues? I recently started getting work done for a half sleeve, and want to go to Japan sometime in the near future. Wanted to know exactly how careful I should be.
submitted by R_Squared1672 to irezumi [link] [comments]

My 17 year old cousin and I got stranded with a Yakuza. While she was on shrooms.

A little background: I was about 19 at the time, I'm a half-white skinny little female- not intimidating at all. This takes place in Oahu, Hawaii, the Waikiki & surrounding area.
So, I was living with my older cousin and his family at the time, in a small city about an hour bus ride from Waikiki. My cousin had a daughter, we'll call her Mariah, who was 17 years old and, for lack of a better phrase, extremely hot. Her side of the family is Polynesian and so she had long, beautiful dark hair, a huge ass and a tiny waist. She was also a wild child- but, to her father's relief, a lesbian. Because of this, her parents didn't really keep to close of an eye on her. They all openly smoked pot and drank, so they didn't really care if she did, as long as she graduated high school. She can't get pregnant, so there's not much trouble she can get into, right?
Fucking wrong.
One Saturday night, Mariah told her parents she was staying the night at her mutual friend of our's house. I knew our friend was out of town, so I knew she was lying. I didn't want to get her in trouble, so instead of busting her, I decided to just tag along and keep an eye on her. So we got ready, said goodbye to her parents and walked to the bus stop.
"Where are we really going?"
"We meeting some crew at Waiks."
I had no idea what that meant, but didn't want to look uncool, so I just went along with it. An hour later, we got off the bus near down town Waikiki. I followed her to a strip of bars on the edge of the tourist section, the last stop before the pretty lights faded and the buildings looked closer to Detroit than Hawaii. We stopped at a punk bar called Mercury. At first I was confused, because we were under age- until I spotted a group of grimy looking local teens, congregating on a fire escape in an alley between Mercury and a dive bar.
The teenagers got excited when they saw Mariah.
"We been waiting on you, we got shrooms!" A short haired chick grabbed my neice into a hug, then shoved a baggie into her hand. "Guess we got enough for the haole girl, too."
"She's not a haole, she's my auntie." Mariah defended me and, before I could stop her, dumped the baggie of mushrooms into her mouth.
Well, fuck.
I wasn't really sure what to do and these teenagers were kind of sketching me out, but Mariah was going to be tripping soon and I couldn't bring her home like that. She seemed to trust these kids, so I settled in without letting my guard down, until I could figure out what to do.
I hadn't been in Hawaii long, so I had no friends to call to bail us out and give us a place to crash.
"Its early. She'll be fine by 2 or 3." A voice behind me on the fire escape said. I turned to see a Japanese guy in his late twenties wearing a long sleeve shirt despite the heat.
I nodded, not knowing what to say.
"I'm Jiro. You Maria's auntie?"
"Yeah. I'm dryerfreshsocks. Nice to meet ya. Sorry I'm being a drag. I just hate babysitting people when they trip."
He laughed and shook my hand. We talked amicably for an hour or so, watching as Mariah started to trip. She was making an ass of herself and getting a little physical with her friends, male and female. Soon enough, one of the guys took it too far and grabbed her ass. She didn't mind at first, but he kept getting more and more aggressive. His hand kept inching further and further up her skirt and even in her intoxicated state she recognized it as unwanted attention and told him to back off. He didn't take it well.
"You wear a skirt like tha 'n you think you not gonna get cherry?" He spat at her, still holding onto her thigh with one hand, a 4loko in the other.
I didn't really understand what he was saying, but I picked up on the tone and context. This wasn't good. I stood up to step in, but Jiro beat me to it. He jumped down the side of the fire escape, landed on his feet gracefully and knocked the 4loko out of the horny teenager's hand.
"Oh, you like throw?!" The teen stood, ready to fight.
Jiro had his back to me, so when he lifted his shirt to expose his stomach, I was really confused. The teenager, on the other hand, understood immediately and the color left his face, along with the hormonal brovado. He looked terrified.
Mariah, really tripping now, scrambled away from the teen and ran to my side. I hugged her, glad she was okay.
"Let's go." Jiro waved for us to follow him and, not knowing what else to do, we obliged, leaving the group of teens gaping at us as we walked away.
We walked in silence for about 15 minutes, until we reached a dingy, small apartment complex. Jiro turned to me and asked if we'd like to come up to his place since it was so late, that way I wasn't stuck walking around Waikiki at midnight with a tripping 17 year old in a mini skirt.
Seeing as he had just saved our assess and I didn't see an alternative, I said yes and we followed him up. Inside the apartment was no better than the outside. It was a studio with no furniture save for a futon on the floor and a kitchen table with two chairs. The walls were bare and yellowed from cigarette smoke. There was one door leading to a tiny bathroom.
Mariah was starting to feel nauseous, so I layer her on the futon and took a seat at the kitchen table next to Jiro. We talked idly for a half hour or so, just small talk. Then, suddenly, Jiro took off his long sleeve shirt, revealing the wife beater underneath...and the tattoos. His ENTIRE torso and both arms were covered in an intricate weaving of dragons and Japanese writing. Remembering the horny teenager's reaction when Jiro showed him his stomach, my blood ran cold.
This dude was ganster. A Japanese gangster. Fucking Yakuza. I'd seen tattoos like that before and it was no joke.
I tried to mask my suprise, but he picked up on it and smirked devilishly, clearly amused at my discomfort. I was frantically trying to plot an inconspicuous exit strategy, but coming up short. Did I want to face Maria's dad's wrath, or stay here with a Yakuza I'd known for all of 3 hours who seemed nice, if a bit distant...?
If what happened next hadn't happened, I don't know what I would have done, honestly.
Suddenly, Jiro's phone started ringing and he walked into the bathroom before answering. I could hear him speaking Japanese angrily, seemingly arguing with whoever was on the phone. He then stormed out of the bathroom, walked over to the futon, grabbed a box from underneath it and opened it.
The shoebox was filled with stacks of 20s and large bags of meth.
He rifled through the box angrily, seemingly looking for something and not finding it. Mariah, who had earlier dozed off, was awake and watching him, wide eyed and panicky. She started to get off the futon and Jiro snapped at her, telling her to stay put. She froze.
"I think we should go. She seems okay now. We should go before the last bus runs," I lied quickly, knowing the buses had stopped running hours ago. I had money for cab fare.
"You're not going anywhere. My shit is missing."
"You were here the whole time. When would we have time to take your shit?"
He looked annoyed, then like he was thinking.
"Empty your purses and pockets."
We obliged.
"Take off your bra and show me you're not hiding anything."
We did this as well, reluctantly. Mariah was crying now. I tried to stay calm.
"Can we go now?"
"Get the fuck out of my sight."
We booked it out of his apartment without looking back. As soon as we got outside, I called us a cab. We rode home in silence, knowing we had dodged a bullet.
I'd like to say Mariah calmed down after this, but that's not true. She's in her 20s now and just as Wild. But as far as I know, she's stayed away from shrooms and Yakuza since that night!
EDIT: I forget that Americans don't do this, but Mariah calls me "auntie" even though we're technically cousins, because her dad saw my mom as his auntie.
Also, maybe this doesn't seem so scary, but the Yakuza in Hawaii are big in the prostitution scene, specifically under age girls...and my niece was very, very good looking. I was scared, because there's no such thing as a free lunch and this guy had done us a few favors throughout the night.
submitted by dryerfreshsocks to LetsNotMeet [link] [comments]

Shinsuke Nakamura's Retirement - Part 4: The Rising Sun

Clash of Champions
The Finals of the KOTR take place in the main event of the PPV, giving Nakamura & Dunne their first main event. A video package plays, showing their respective rises through the tournament, with Dunne seemingly the favourite, due to his superiority in points, and due to Nakamura’s injury. Pete Dunne makes his entrance first, painted with a look of malice and intention to hurt Nakamura. Shinsuke Nakamura is out next, arm heavily taped up as he strides down into battle as the underdog. He’s done this before; can he can do it again?
As the bell rings, the two men carefully walk out of their corners, not wanting to make a mistake. They engage in a collar-and-elbow tie-up, before Dunne snatches Nakamura’s left arm, keylocking it to apply some damage. Nakamura snatches his arm away, before shaking it off. As Dunne tries for another tie-up, Nakamura slowly walks in, leading with his long legs to keep Dunne at a distance. As Nakamura lashes out for a strike, Dunne ducks under and tackles Nakamura to the ground, delivering some ground-and-pound offense. He then grabs the arm again, using the elbow as a pivot to twist the limb. Nakamura kips up, before spinning through to break the hold, instead gaining control over Dunne’s neck, muscling him down to the ground. He tries for a sharp stomp, but Dunne evades, and they are at a stalemate. Nakamura whips Dunne into the ropes, but the Bruiserweight comes flying out with a lethal Lariat. He picks up Nakamura, before tossing him into the corner, going for a Forearm Smash, but Nakamura ducks it, flooring Dunne with a ROUNDHOUSE KICK! Nakamura follows up with the Good Vibrations, but Dunne makes his way out, picking the leg. However, Nakamura escapes again, delivering a Stepover Spinning Heel Kick to send Dunne out to the floor. Nakamura positions Dunne on the apron, landing a Running Knee Lift, followed by a Guillotine Knee Drop. Nakamura bows to the crowd, before propping Dunne against the barricade, delivering a Shoot Kick to the chest. He slips behind, trying for an Inverted Exploder, but Dunne escapes with back elbows, before picking the hand and manipulating the joints. He puts Nakamura in an arm-ringer, before kicking the elbow joint multiple times. He then SMASHES Nakamura’s arm against the barricade, before threading it through a gap and putting him in a CROSS ARMBREAKER! He releases, rolling in and out to reset the ref’s count. He then positions Nakamura’s hand on the steel steps, before STOMPING down, eliciting a yelp of pain.
Back in the ring, Dunne delivers a Double Knee Drop to the arm, followed by a Double Wrist Lock, tugging at the injured arm. He winds back, before delivering a cracking Kick to the upright arm, hyperextending it. As Nakamura screams out in pain, Dunne adds some psychological torture by applying a Bryan-esque SURFBOARD! He wrenches back into a DRAGON SLEEPER, before popping Nakamura through into an INVERTED ROMERO STRETCH, thoroughly dissecting the arm. He gets back to the hand, bending back the fingers, before trying to stomp on it, but Nakamura quickly pulls back, delivering a Forearm using his other arm. He kicks out the legs from underneath, before kicking at the face. Dunne responds with a smirk, leading to Nakamura delivering more Facewashes to Dunne, but Dunne yells back like a hungry beast. Nakamura responds with a ‘COME ON!’ taunt, and Dunne runs straight into the trap, receiving a knee to the gut, followed by an Axe Kick. He bounces off of the ropes, delivering a Flying Knee to knock Dunne into the ropes. Nakamura closes in, going for the Shoot Kick, but Dunne catches it, threading it through the ropes, before delivering a Dragon Screw Leg Whip! As Nakamura tries to steady himself on the apron, Dunne delivers a SLINGSHOT APRON DDT! He tosses Nakamura into the edge of the apron with an X-PLEX, rolling him back in for a close count. He grabs the wrist, going for more punishment, but Nakamura knocks him back with kicks to the head. Dunne maintains control through, pulling Nakamura in for a Lariat attempt, but Nakamura spins through, countering into a LUNGBLOWER! He works over the ribs, rushing in with Grounded Knee Strikes, before putting Dunne on the turnbuckle, delivering a knee to the midsection. He slides Dunne onto his shoulders, landing a LANDSLIDE NECKBREAKER for a near fall. He delivers more kicks and knees, finishing with a Jumping Yakuza Kick, before attempting a Death Valley Driver, but doesn’t have enough strength to hoist Dunne up. He instead converts it into a Gutbuster, before locking in a Seated Octopus Lock.
Dunne fights out using his technical skill, before attempting a German Suplex. Nakamura lands on his feet, running in for REAR KINSHASA, but Dunne MOONSAULTS OVER! As Nakamura comes back in with a Sliding Busaiku Knee, Dunne catches it into a FLYING CROSS ARMBREAKER! Nakamura gets the Monkey Grip, trying to lift up Dunne to slam him, but Dunne pulls a page out of Nakamura’s book, transitioning into a TRIANGLE CHOKE! As Nakamura tries to fight out, Dunne catches his hand and BITES ON IT! The ref counts for the break, but, Nakamura fights fire with fire, grabbing a handful on Dunne’s locks, before using them to repeatedly slam Dunne’s head into the mat for the break! Nakamura takes a moment to try and recover some strength into his arm. As Dunne comes flying in, Nakamura catches him with a Rolling Liger Kick, followed by an Enzuigiri. Slipping behind, he drops the hips to land a DRAGON SUPLEX, trying for a bridge with one arm, but Dunne is able to catch the free arm, holding it down onto the canvas with one foot, before delivering a flurry of stomps to the elbow! He then ragdolls Nakamura, hitting a couple of GERMAN SUPLEXES, completing the trio with a SNAP GERMAN, followed by a STEP-UP ENZUIGIRI, and a VERTICAL SUPLEX SITOUT POWERBOMB! 1…2…KICK OUT! Dunne slams the mat in frustration, before locking in the Pumphandle. As he throws Nakamura up, Nakamura slips behind and hits the REAR KINSHASA! He then follows up with a SHINING WIZARD, before going up to the top rope, flying off with a KINSHASA, but it is countered into a FOUR STAR FOREARM! Dunne picks up Nakamura once again, trying for the Bitter End, but Nakamura reverses it into a REAR NAKED CHOKE! He then picks up Dunne for the INVERTED EXPLODER SUPLEX, before running in for the KINSHASA, but Dunne once again counters with a SUPERKICK! He goes behind, hitting a TIGER SUPLEX, but Nakamura no-sells it, fighting back with a SLIDING BUSAIKU KNEE! The two men have a double-down, before slowly fighting back to their feet, slugging out a striking exchange. They both throw kicks and forearms, with Nakamuragoing for his flurry of forearms, but instinctively throws the left too, allowing Dunne to catch it, putting him in a KIMURA LOCK WITH THE BODY SCISSORS! Nakamura fights out with knees to the ribs, before tossing up Dunne to catch him on his shoulders, hitting the LANDSLIDE! 1…2…NO!
They enter the closing stretch of the match, slipping into their emergency reserves, pulling out all the stops. Dunne hits a MICHINOKU DRIVER II, whilst Nakamura lands a DEATH VALLEY DRIVER! As Nakamura goes for the Kinshasa again, Dunne counters with a full-speed SHOTGUN DROPKICK, followed by grabbing both hands and SNAPPING THEM! HE LIFTS NAKAMURA UP FOR THE BITTER END! IT’S OVER! 1…2…THR-KICK OUT! NAKAMURA KICKED OUT AGAIN! Furious, Dunne grabs both wrists, before stomping Nakamura’s head into the canvas! He then hits Nakamura with a KNEE TREMBLER, before locking Nakamura in a Bryan-esque CATTLE MUTILATION! As Dunne starts taking it too far, releasing the hold to bite the fingers and stomp on the head, the referee gets in the way, forcing Dunne off. As he checks on Nakamura’s arm, making sure he can continue, Dunne tosses the official to the side, before getting a sick look on his face. He puts Nakamura into the Pumphandle, but this time puts him in a TOMBSTONE POSITION! HE’S GOING FOR THE BETTER END! Frantically, Nakamura sparks to life, landing knees to the head to knock Dunne woozy, before landing a close-range KINSHASA! He then composes himself, going for another KINSHASA, but DUNNE COUNTERS IT BACK INTO THE CROSS ARMBREAKER! This time, Nakamura hoists him up and throws him into the corner, running across the ring to try and deliver a knee, but Dunne escapes, doing a Bryan-esque MOONSAULT ESCAPE… BUT HE’S GONE TO THE WELL TOO MANY TIMES, AS NAKAMURA CATCHES HIM UPSIDE-DOWN WITH A KINSHASA! HE THEN LETS OUT A ROAR, FOLLOWED BY ONE FINAL KINSHASA! 1…2…3! NAKAMURA HAS BEATEN THE BRUISERWEIGHT! NAKAMURA IS KING OF THE RING!

The following SD, Nakamura has an in-ring celebration segment, wearing a customised, flamboyant robe, covering his taped-up arm, whilst wearing the crown he wore at WK9. He cuts a promo, claiming that he jumped through every hoop to get where he is, starting with the betrayal at SummerSlam, which messed with his mind, watching Bryan get to supreme heights in Block A, realising that if he wants his revenge, he needs to refocus himself and win. He received a surprise from Zayn in the form of an injury, but he fought through it to beat Cole and make it to the Finals. However, the same cannot be said for Bryan, who fell to Dunne, who Nakamura inched past in the Finals. He gives props to Dunne for bringing a tough fight, but states that the King was the better man, and now, he is headed to a title shot at Survivor Series. He prepares to reveal his choice, but is interrupted by Andrade and Zelina Vega. Vega claims that Andrade should be KOTR, seeing as he beat Nakamura on Night One. Had this been single-elimination, Nakamura wouldn’t have unfairly gotten more shots, so she demands he puts the shot on the line against Andrade. Nakamura takes a moment to consider, looking over to his arm, before agreeing. As Nakamura begins to walk off to prepare, Vega comes in his way, having a few tricks up her sleeve, as he’s clocked in the back with a STEEL CHAIR BY ANDRADE! Andrade attacks the shoulder joint, before ramming Nakamura into the chair with a LA SOMBRA! The two stand tall over Nakamura, as the medical staff tend to Nakamura, with officials announcing that Nakamura isn’t cleared for competition because of the assault, so the match is postponed a week.
In the main event of the next week, Nakamura battles with Andrade, who takes control in the early goings, controlling the arm using his Lucha Libre skills, using Arm Drags to weaken it, before using his high-flying, sleazy offense to ground Nakamura. As he goes for the La Sombra though, Nakamura fires up, ramming him into the corner, before unloading with strikes. During Nakamura’s comeback, a purple couch slides out to ringside, reminiscent of Nakamura’s red one during the WK10 promo package. Velveteen Dream pops out from behind it, before laying down to watch the remainder of the match. Andrade uses the distraction to his advantage, getting a near-fall off of a SOMBRA DRIVER, but Nakamura regains composure, hitting the KINSHASA to retain his title shot. After the match, Dream walks down to the ring, coming face-to-face with Nakamura, before mouthing off to him and getting into his face with his extravagant poses. He then walks off to the stage, waving to Nakamura, as the show closes on the exhausted and confused face of Nakamura.
The following week, Dream hits the ring, cutting a promo that he too beat Nakamura during the tournament, finishing only 2 points below, so the Dream should get a shot too. But not on SmackDown, for the Dream deserves the biggest spotlight. He wants Nakamura at No Mercy, and the King of Strong Style, not one to back down from a fight, accepts the challenge from the Former NXT Champion, setting the match up for the following PPV.

No Mercy
Velveteen Dream makes his entrance first, wearing a Nakamura-esque jacket, but in purple, with the King of Strong Style airbrushed onto his tights. He’s wearing a crown on his head, perhaps foreshadowing the ending of the match, before lying on the commentary table, waiting for Nakamura’s arrival. Nakamura comes out next, but to Dream’s surprise, he has some mind games of his own waiting. He comes out to red smoke, wearing Dream’s sunglasses, providing for a charismatic entrance. Like Dream, he rolls about the ring, before doing his own pose as Dream jumps into the ring, shouting at Nakamura. The two get into a fist-fight straight away, as they trade blows, trying to out-do each other. Dream gets into Nakamura’s head, doing some of Bryan’s signature offense, before pulling out some of his own, like the Spinebuster and Diving Double Axe Handle. He pays attention to the arm, focusing kicks to it, before hanging it in the ropes, snapping it down to hyperextend it. Nakamura fights back with Knee Strikes to the gut, followed some Good Vibrations, and a chorus of German Suplexes. Dream asks Nakamura to say his name, but Nakamura responds with ‘No speak Engrish’, before walloping him with a ROUNDHOUSE KICK! Dream gains near falls off of the FAMOUSER and DREAM-D-T, before attempting the Purple Rainmaker. However, Nakamura picks him out of mid-air with a CROSS ARMBREAKETRIANGLE CHOKE combo! Nakamura goes for the Kinshasa, but Dream counters with the DREAM VALLEY DRIVER, before landing the PURPLE RAINMAKER! 1…2…KICK OUT! Dream is in shock, beginning to panic by pulling out anything that comes to mind, but Nakamura’s experience prevails, allowing him to hit the KINSHASA for the victory! With Zayn having disappeared ever since his win over Nakamura, Nakamura has overcome all remaining obstacles, giving him a clear path to Survivor Series.

On SD, Nakamura comes down to the ring, ready to reveal which world title he’s going for at Survivor Series. Nakamura cuts a short promo first, hyping up both titles, before saying he’s made up his mind. He claims that if he can’t get his hands on Bryan, he’ll deliver a shot to him by beating the man Bryan couldn’t. He wants… The Fiend. What a huge announcement! Nakamura is coming for the WWE Champion, the Fiend, the holder of the Championship Nakamura fell short chasing back in 2017 and 2018! Nakamura has a match the following week against Jinder Mahal, avenging his losses at SummerSlam and Hell in a Cell against the former WWE Champion, with a Kinshasa. After the match, the lights start flickering, and go out. When they come back on, a figure is in the ring, but it is not Wyatt… IT’S SAMI ZAYN! However, there seems to be something wrong with him, as he shakes about uncontrollably, twitching as he beats down Nakamura. It seems that he is trying to resist, but fires a Helluva Kick, before grabbing Nakamura’s face and shouting ‘LET HIM IN!’, as if possessed. The lights go out again, and when they come back on, Zayn has disappeared, as Nakamura struggles to pull himself up.
Suddenly, the titantron sparks up, and an episode of Firefly Funhouse plays. Wyatt is shown pacing around the room, before greeting everyone, claiming he has a special message for Nakamura. But first, he wants to make Nakamura feel at home, saying that he’s learned a few new words that he wants to share with his fireflies. He greets Nakamura with ‘Konnichiwa’, before saying ‘Omedetou Gozaimasu’ (Congratulations). He lets out a chuckle, excited by his use of Japanese. As he is about to proceed, there is a knock on his door, and he opens it, to find Zayn, trudging in as he twitches. Wyatt pats him on the back, telling him he did a great job. However, the excitement fades away, as he looks into the camera, and gives a solemn look, before making Zayn kneel. Wyatt starts shaking, as his ‘HURT’ glove springs up to Wyatt’s ear, informing him of something. Wyatt sighs, before grimly stating that the Fiend no longer requires Zayn’s services… BEFORE SNAPPING HIS NECK! Zayn collapses to the floor, and Wyatt orders his puppets to drag the body away, before returning to face Nakamura. He claims that The Fiend has been searching for challengers, having avenged his losses to the likes of Orton, Reigns and Cena, wanting new competition. And with Nakamura’s challenge, he must watch out, because the Fiend has no sense of ‘too far’. He tells Nakamura to keep his friends close, because he never knows when the Fiend will strike, before doing his creepy laugh, converting into the Fiend to close with ‘LET ME IN!’.
It is announced that until Survivor Series, Nakamura is not cleared for competition, and is barred from appearing on TV, forced to rehab his injury. The following weeks pan out like a horror movie, as the Fiend goes head-hunting, attacking a plethora of Nakamura’s close friends, taking them out one by one. He targets stars like Rusev, before making special appearance on 205 Live and NXT to take out Akira Tozawa and KUSHIDA, even going as far to attack main roster star Kairi Sane, all the while Nakamura is forced to watch on, unable to save his friends, in risk of severely injuring himself and costing his title opportunity.
Finally, on the go-home week, the final build to the match occurs, as The Fiend hosts Firefly Funhouse. The atmosphere is dark and bloody, as the Fiend admires his collection of victims, having turned them into puppets, along with hanging their ‘severed heads’ on the wall. The Fiend announces he has one more person who he’s forgotten about… proceeding to pull out a cowering GREG HAMILTON! One of Nakamura’s closest friends, and SmackDown ring announcer, Greg is dragged by the collar, as Wyatt prepares him for what has been dubbed as ‘The Sacrifice’. As he prepares to twist the neck of Greg… NAKAMURA BURSTS THROUGH THE DOOR WITH A KINSHASA! Nakamura and Wyatt get into a brawl, as Greg escapes. The two tear through the Firefly Funhouse, using anything they can to put down their opponent. Wyatt cracks a painting over Nakamura’s back, whilst Nakamura chops at the legs with an easel. Wyatt teases putting Nakamura through a table, but Nakamura escapes, striking him with the hammer. However, Wyatt powers through it, before flooring Nakamura with the MANDIBLE CLAW! He chokes out his foe as the lights turn blood red, emitting his creepy laugh and shouting ‘LET ME IN!’, before posing over the fallen body of Nakamura with his WWE Championship. Due to the brutality of the segment, the match is announced to be No Holds Barred.

Survivor Series
The video package for the main event recounts the brutality of the The Fiend’s run, and of the go-home segment, showing The Fiend standing tall, as he enters his 231st day as WWE Champion. Nakamura comes out to make his entrance first, sporting a fresh arm, free of injury, but is attacked from behind from the get-go by the Fiend, starting the match on the stage. The two brawl, throwing Forearms at each other, but each shot by Nakamura is outweighed by the clubbing blows of Wyatt. He tries to Chokeslam Nakamura, but Nakamura escapes, slamming him with a DRAGON SUPLEX! They brawl through the crowd, using trash cans and steel chairs to batter each other, leading to Wyatt slamming Nakamura onto the spine of two chairs, before putting him through a table with a URANAGE! Wyatt has his way with Nakamura, using whatever the ‘HURT’ glove tells him to, but Nakamura himself happens to be a weapon, using the long legs to chop at the base of Wyatt, before flooring him with a killer knee. They make their way closer to ringside, where Nakamura unveils a ROCKING CHAIR, putting Wyatt through it with a LANDSLIDE! Wyatt finds a glass wall, driving Nakamura through it with a CROSSBODY! Back at ringside, Wyatt exposes the concrete, teasing a Sister Abigail onto it, but Nakamura fights out. They make their way onto the commentary tables, slugging it out there, but a mistimed Crossbody from Wyatt sends him CRASHING THROUGH! Nakamura batters him with a Fire Extinguisher, before spraying it onto him, but the mask keeps Wyatt protected. Nakamura brings out Kendo Sticks, weakening Wyatt’s legs and midsection, but Wyatt takes the pain, before slamming Nakamura into the STEEL STEPS! He then manhandles his opponent, tossing him into the ring post, before going to Uranage him onto the concrete, but Nakamura reverses it into a CROSS ARMBREAKER! Wyatt escapes by POWERBOMBING NAKAMURA ONTO THE RING APRON!
Wyatt brings out a set of tables from under the ring, setting them over the concrete as he laughs maniacally. However, he is unable to put Nakamura through it, sending the fight into the ring. He unleashes with shots to Nakamura with a BARBED WIRE BASEBALL BAT, but Nakamura responds by cutting it in two using a KATANA! Nakamura reverts back to his striking game, throwing knees to the gut, before trying to take out Wyatt with a REAR NAKED CHOKE, but Wyatt is able to escape. Wyatt sadistically rips apart the ring, exposing any steel or wood he can find. He removes the ring ropes, trying to CHOKE NAKAMURA OUT WITH IT! However, Nakamura escapes, sending Wyatt crashing into the exposed turnbuckle, before slamming him onto the floorboards with a SECOND LANDSLIDE! Nakamura lays out a bed of thumbtacks in the ring, but the action spills back up the ramp, as the two fight into the electrical area. They tease throwing each other through the tables, but prevent the fall by holding on. Nakamura positions Wyatt against the LED Boards, trying to put him through with a KINSHASA, but Wyatt avoids it, sending Nakamura’s knee into the boards! Wyatt then slams Nakamura’s head against it with a SISTER ABIGAIL, before putting him through the stage with a SENTON! He pulls a limp Nakamura out of the rubble, taking him back to ringside, before LIGHTING THE AFORMENTIONED TABLES ON FIRE! He attempts to Uranage Nakamura through, but Nakamura comes back to life, escaping to the sanctuary of the ring. Wyatt follows in pursuit, but it was a trap, as Nakamura flies in with the Kinshasa… BUT WYATT PICKS HIM OUT OF THE AIR WITH THE MANDIBLE CLAW! He once again tries to drive Nakamura through the flaming tables, but Nakamura escapes, landing a REAR KINSHASA! He considers ending the match here, but remembers the punishment Wyatt doled out to all of Nakamura’s friends, taking revenge by… PUTTING WYATT THROUGH WITH A DEATH VALLEY DRIVER! The referee puts out the flames using a Fire Extinguisher, as Wyatt yells out like he did when Orton burned the Wyatt Family Compound, feeling the same, excruciating pain that perhaps has prevented him from fully becoming ‘The Fiend’, leaving some ‘HEAL’ personality in him. Nakamura takes Wyatt back into the ring, hitting an INVERTED EXPLODER SUPLEX ONTO THE THUMBTACKS, BEFORE HITTING A KINSHASA! 1…2…3! SHINSUKE NAKAMURA IS THE NEW WWE CHAMPION! After an absolute bloodbath, Nakamura has become the first man to put down The Fiend, exposing his weakness of flames. For Wyatt, it seems he will return to the shadows, trying to put out his burning soul, coming back stronger and less emotionally attached for vengeance. But for Nakamura, the reign only begins.

Finally, after over 4 years in the company, Shinsuke Nakamura is WWE Champion. But not only that, he is now a Grand Slam Champion. He kicks off the following SD, tattooed in welts and bruises. He cuts a promo on his journey to the top, before claiming that the King of Strong Style has finally reached his throne, after facing some of the best wrestlers in the world. He plans to continue rising and defend his championship in order to have the best reign in history… because you never know when your last may be. He ends the promo with a ‘YEAOH!’.
Over the next couple of weeks, the next #1 Contender is decided through qualifiers, and a Fatal Four Way. Ricochet, Aleister Black, Bobby Lashley, and Velveteen Dream qualify, leading to a high-octane match between the four Superstars. Ricochet brings his athleticism and unique offense, Black brings his strong strikes and brooding demeanour, Lashley brings his hunger and raw power, and Dream brings his charisma and craftiness. In the end, Black lays out Lashley with the Black Mass, but the crafty Dream throws him out of the ring, diving into the pinfall. However, Ricochet crushes Dream and Lashley with the 630 Senton, getting the 3 count to become #1 Contender. Nakamura comes out to congratulate Ricochet, shaking his hand charismatically, before hoisting high his title.
The first-time encounter is heavily hyped up, with Ricochet cutting a promo on Nakamura, talking about the controversies earlier in the year between them over the SmackDown Tag Team Championships, but now, with no negative influence in the form of Bryan, he hopes for a clean match, stating that Nakamura may have beaten Ali, but he won’t beat Ricochet.

Ricochet makes his entrance first, prepared for his world title picture debut. He springs into the ring, before lying in wait for Nakamura. The WWE Champion follows next, ready for his first title defence, and for the dream match against the One and Only. One year ago, Nakamura lost the IC Championship to Ricochet’s old tag team partner, Aleister Black. Tonight, will he lose in his first title defence, or will he pull through with the victory? Let’s find out…
The match starts hot out of the gates, as these two already have clashed in tag team action. Ricochet takes to the skies, delivering a Springboard European Uppercut, followed by a Dropkick, sending Nakamura out of the ring. He hits a CORKSCREW MOONSAULT PLANCHA, before throwing Nakamura back in for the cover, but Nakamura kicks out. Nakamura takes control of his opponent, backing him into the corner for Shoot Kicks, followed by Grounded Knee Strikes. He focuses the attack on the legs, trying to prevent Ricochet from flying, but Ricochet uses his evasiveness to avoid a string of kicks and stomps, responding with a Backflip Kick, followed by a Rickrack. He climbs to the top, but an Enzuigiri knocks him out to the floor, allowing Nakamura to whip him into the barricades, and follow with knees to the gut. Nakamura delivers his signature offense, including the Good Vibrations, before picking away at the leg. He locks in a Single Leg Crab, but Ricochet kicks him away, before shaking the leg off. He goes for a Spinning Wheel Kick, but Nakamura evades it, draping Ricochet’s leg in the ropes, allowing for an Elevated Dragon Screw Leg Whip. Nakamura puts Ricochet into a Heel Hook, but Ricochet makes it to the ropes. Nakamura doles out a few German Suplexes, followed by a Bridging German, but Ricochet kicks out. Frustrated, Nakamura tries to play at Ricochet’s game, going for the EL NINO, but Ricochet catches him with a SUPERKICK!
He regains his senses, hitting a NORTHERN LIGHTS SUPLEX, but can’t roll into the Deadlift, due to his battered leg. Thus, he makes up for it with a TORNADO DDT, followed by a BURNING SCREWDRIVER for a near fall. He mounts more signature offense, landing a Cross-Legged Samoan Driver and a PEOPLE’S MOONSAULT, but Nakamura keeps kicking out. Ricochet, feeling like he’s closing on the victory, tries for a 450 Splash, but Nakamura reverses it into a TRIANGLE CHOKE! Ricochet doesn’t have enough base strength to muscle him up, so he shifts his positioning to reach the ropes. Nakamura stays on Ricochet with a ROUNDHOUSE KICK, and a LANDSLIDE NECKBREAKER, but Ricochet is also resilient. Nakamura hits the INVERTED EXPLODER SUPLEX, prepared to end the match, but as Nakamura attempts to hit the Kinshasa, Ricochet counters with THE SKY IS FALLING! Ricochet starts laying in some Forearms, before landing a ROUNDHOUSE KICK of his own! He lands a SUPERMAN PUNCH, before attempting to muscle up Nakamura again, but he is unable to, as Nakamura lands sharp elbows to his neck, before snapping him back with a BRIDGING DRAGON SUPLEX! 1…2…NO! Nakamura goes to the leg again, putting him in an ANKLE LOCK, but Ricochet escapes with the headscissors, before landing a HELIOCENTRICITY for another near fall! Ricochet gingerly hops to the top rope, trying for the 630 Senton, but he’s too slow, as Nakamura manages to meet him there. NAKAMURA HOISTS HIM UP FOR THE AVALANCHE LANDSLIDE… BUT RICOCHET COUNTERS INTO A DRAGONRANA! 1…2…NAKAMURA KICKS OUT! Ricochet suddenly gains a burst of energy, finally picking up Nakamura onto his shoulders to deliver the VERTIGO! BUT NAKAMURA GETS THE HAND ON THE ROPE! Ricochet gets ugly with his strikes, as he repeatedly kicks Nakamura in the ropes, before flooring him with a MISSILE DROPKICK! He heads up top one more time, going for the 630 Senton, but Nakamura counters into a LUNGBLOWER! Nakamura pops the hips to deliver another DRAGON SUPLEX, followed by a REAR KINSHASA! He then finally manages to land the KINSHASA! 1…2…3! Nakamura is STILL the WWE Champion! After a clean match between the two, they shake hands, before Nakamura raises Ricochet’s arm in respect. As Nakamura celebrates in the ring… DANIEL BRYAN COMES OUT! He comes face-to-face with Nakamura for the first time since SummerSlam, sneering as he taps the WWE Championship on Nakamura’s shoulder, taunting him that he’s coming for the title.

Nakamura kicks off the New Year’s edition of SD, coming out to hype up the Road to WM. He mentions Bryan showing up at the end of Armageddon, but states that he’s not worried about him. But if he wins the Rumble, he’ll be waiting to knee his head off. He claims that one year ago, he was a lost man, with no title, no purpose. But now, he is at the top of his game. He hopes to continue fighting to the main event of WrestleMania, but before he can continue talking… SAMI ZAYN IS BACK! After being taken out by Wyatt two months ago, Zayn disappeared, leaving no trace. But now, he is back, and he’s back for Nakamura. He brings out a steel chair, battering Nakamura’s back, before tossing Nakamura into the corner, delivering a triad of HELLUVA KICKS, holding high the WWE Championship.
The following week, as Nakamura is taking the night off, Zayn cuts a promo on him, ranting about the loss at Takeover: Dallas, and how it negatively affected him. He talks about how no one cares about him, so he made a statement in the KOTR, injuring Nakamura, but somehow, Nakamura won the Finals. And then, The Fiend took him captive. It seems that the world is against Sami Zayn, but he doesn’t care about that. What he cares about is that he is yet to win a title on the main roster, and Nakamura has won all of them in less time that Zayn has won one. Thus, why not start big? He has a shot in the bag at Nakamura, and he chooses to spend it on a WWE Championship match. Before returning, he talked to Bischoff, and it is CONFIRMED that they will fight at the Royal Rumble, but to ensure there is a definitive end, and no shenanigans to screw Zayn, it will be 2-out-of-3 Falls! He says that he is ready to embarrass Nakamura by beating him two falls straight. But obviously, Nakamura has to rest first because he receives special treatment, whilst Zayn is forced to work through shoulder injuries for years, receiving no respect. Zayn says that vengeance will be his, before mocking Nakamura, stating that he’ll beat the old man and take his WWE Championship by force. Later, Zayn beats Apollo Crews, bringing his new-found aggression to the match, before laying out Crews with a steel chair after the match.
The following week, Zayn storms out to the ring, interrupting a scheduled match to beat down two lower-carders, before calling out Nakamura to face him like a man, rather than hide behind his excuses. To his elation, Nakamura does come out, but he’s equipped with a steel chair! Nakamura runs down to the ring, wanting revenge, but Zayn runs away. Nakamura slams the chair onto the mat multiple times, trying to take out his anger, before grabbing a mic. He berates Zayn, claiming that Zayn is the one making excuses, before running away, hiding behind his special stipulation. But the fact is that he will beat Zayn however many times he needs to, punishing him for the attacks. He calls Zayn a coward, asking him to fight him. As he picks his Championship back up, he’s attacked from behind by Zayn, who didn’t leave for good, battering Nakamura again with a steel chair, before delivering a KINSHASA! He laughs as he soaks in the heat, calling Nakamura stupid for falling his trap, before holding up two fingers, reminding Nakamura that he will beat him two falls straight. The two men are kept apart in order to prevent further brawls before their match.

Royal Rumble
The two superstars make their respective entrances, atmosphere much different than Dallas. Back then, this was a dream match. Now, it’s a grudge match. The formal ring introductions take place, and the bell rings to kick off the first fall. Zayn comes running right in with a Helluva Kick attempt, but Nakamura floors him with a SHOOT KICK! Nakamura goes for a Stomp, but Zayn moves, and evades the Knee Drop too, opening him up for a Dropkick from Zayn. They tangle on the mat, Zayn using his technical prowess to try and stay on top, but the amateur experience of Nakamura shines through, as he takes control of the waist, throwing out knees to the gut. Zayn gets up, coughing, as Nakamura back him into the corner, unleashing with more kicks and knees, before going over to the opposite corner. Zayn bursts out of the corner once again with a Helluva Kick attempt, but Nakamura has it scouted twice, popping Zayn horizontally on the top turnbuckle, before unleashing a knee. Nakamura looks to get the quick first fall too, going for a Kinshasa, but Zayn avoids it, sending Nakamura into the corner with a Reverse STO. He stomps a mudhole in the corner, before going for a cover, but Nakamura kicks out at 1. Zayn controls Nakamura with a headlock, but Nakamura does the kip-up escape, before delivering the Stepover Spinning Heel Kick. He snaps Zayn back for a BRIDGING GERMAN, but Zayn kicks out. Nakamura tries to apply a Cross Armbreaker, but Zayn makes it to the ropes to break the hold. Nakamura bursts out of his corner with a series of attempted knees, but Zayn dodges each one, until he’s backed into a corner, where Nakamura stomps on him, before delivering the Good Vibrations. Zayn is not one to be humiliated though, picking the leg and standing back up. Nakamura goes for his usual Enzuigiri counter, but Zayn has it scouted, ducking, before landing an EXPLODER SUPLEX INTO THE TURNBUCKLES! Nakamura rolls out to the apron for a breather, but Zayn stays on him, DROPKICKING HIM INTO THE BARRICADE! Zayn follows up with a SUICIDE DIVE INTO A TORNADO DDT!
Zayn takes Nakamura back to the mat and keeps him grounded, cutting off oxygen supply to the head. However, Nakamura fights out with elbows to the head, but Zayn cuts him off with a knee to the gut and a Dropkick to the head. Nakamura fights back but Zayn lands a variety of arm drags, before ducking a lariat and getting a Small Package for 2. Zayn stiffs up Nakamura with uppercuts, before mockingly kicking away at his head. He delivers a Leg Lariat, but Nakamura kicks out. Zayn continues working the neck, but Nakamura muscles up Zayn, hitting a DEATH VALLEY DRIVER for 2! Nakamura locks in a Seated Octopus Lock to ground Zayn, delivering elbows and forearms to the back of his head, but Zayn makes it to the ropes. Nakamura tries to hit a Landslide, but Zayn escapes with an Enzuigiri, followed by a HALF-AND-HALF SUPLEX, sending Nakamura into the ropes. Zayn kicks the bottom rope into Nakamura’s throat, continuing the work over the neck, before landing a Reverse STO, and a Koji Clutch attempt! However, Nakamura fights him off, dumping him into the corner. He goes for a High Knee, but crashes and burns to the outside. Zayn follows up with a DIVING CROSSBODY, before delivering some mounted forearms. He picks Nakamura back up, before driving him neck-first into the steel steps, and then the ring apron! He quickly tosses Nakamura back into the ring, grabbing the wrists, before stomping Nakamura’s head into the canvas! He takes Nakamura to the bottom corner and starts stomping away as the ref counts for the break. But Zayn continues, causing the referee to pull him off Nakamura, but Zayn pushes him to the side, stomping even more, leading to the referee calling for the bell and the disqualification! Nakamura earns the first fall by DQ. However, Zayn has done the damage to the neck, dragging Nakamura into the centre of the ring, locking in the KOJI CLUTCH! Nakamura flails as he tries to escape, looking to get his long legs onto the ropes, but can’t reach, so, in order to survive, Nakamura TAPS OUT! Zayn earns the second fall by submission.
The referee checks on Nakamura, asking him if he can continue, and Nakamura says he can. The bell rings for the final fall. Zayn charges as the match resumes… BUT NAKAMURA NAILS A KINSHASA OUT OF NOWHERE! 1…2…KICK OUT! They get back to their feet, exchanging a flurry of forearms, before things start to get ugly. Zayn lands a big Yakuza Kick to the head, but Nakamura responds with a ROUNDHOUSE KICK and an AXE KICK! Nakamura tries to follow with the Rolling Liger Kick, but Zayn catches it and lands the BLUE THUNDER BOMB! 1…2…NO! Zayn takes Nakamura to the top rope, going for a Superplex, but Nakamura escapes, tripping up Zayn to put him in the Tree of Woe, before delivering SHOOT KICKS to the chest! Nakamura hoists up the dazed Zayn, before dumping him with a LANDSLIDE! 1…2…ZAYN KICKS OUT! They start trading more forearms, before Zayn catches one and LOCKS IN THE KOJI CLUTCH AGAIN! However, this time, Nakamura counters into a pinning combination, before locking in the CROSS ARMBREAKER! He then transitions into the TRIANGLE CHOKE, but Zayn is able to muscle up Nakamura, tossing him into the corner, before flying in with the HELLUVA KICK! THIRD TIME’S THE CHARM! CAN HE DO IT?! 1…2…THR-KICK OUT! NAKAMURA KICKED OUT! Zayn furiously slams the mat, before getting a sick idea in his mind. He drags Nakamura to the top rope, before teasing his old finisher; a Brainbuster onto the top turnbuckle! However, Nakamura escapes, kicking Zayn to the mat, before delivering a DIVING REAR KINSHASA! He then goes to his corner, before screaming out and delivering the KINSHASA! 1…2…3! Nakamura has defeated Zayn, 2-1, to retain his WWE Championship.

Later, in the main event of the night, Daniel Bryan enters the Rumble at #30, referencing to the spot he never received back in 2014, but this time, to heavy boos. With the UE eliminated, Bryan has to go this alone. He successfully eliminates two Superstars, before boiling down to the Final Four of: Bryan, Reigns, Owens and Ali. As the four men get ready to eliminate each other, the UE hit the ring, severely tilting the odds in Bryan’s favour, as they go to beat down Reigns and Ali. As they go over to Owens, Owens tells them to stop, before offering to join the UE, with his close friend, Cole, almost instantly taking the offer. However, Owens tricks them, almost immediately betraying them by handing out Stunners to send them flying out of the ring! Through the chaos, a battered Ali, who entered at #1, is eliminated at the hands of Bryan to heavy boos. Reigns goes over next, as Owens Stunners him over, leaving Bryan and Owens in the Final Two. They wrestle the classic, match-in-a-match scenario, going 5 minutes of back-and-forth, in which Owens tries to channel his inner Austin (3-time Rumble Winner), going to Stunner Bryan over the rope, but Bryan holds on, before countering a Pop-Up Powerbomb attempt with a KNEE PLUS, sending Owens over the rope for the elimination! Bryan has won the Rumble! The show closes on the UE celebrating in the ring, with Bryan winning his first Rumble to set up a world title shot for WM.

Part 5
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The yakuza tattoo is worn by members of the gang as a mark of identity that shows their allegiance to a particular group. The origin of the tattoos can be traced back to the practice of branding the criminals with tattoo marks as punishment. In all probability, the yakuza tattoos have been influenced by the aforementioned act. Half Sleeve Yakuza Tattoo Design Design Of Tattoosdesign Half Sleeve Japanese Tattoos Gives An Insight To The World Dragon Half Sleeve Living Rm Koi Dragon Tattoo Dragon Top 103 Best Japanese Tattoos For Men Improb Tattoo For Art Japanese Half Sleeve Tattoo Pictures 120 Japanese Sleeve Tattoos For Men Masculine Design Ideas ... Dec 4, 2015 - Explore Ismail Al-Jihad's board "Tattoos" on Pinterest. See more ideas about tattoos, japanese tattoo, sleeve tattoos. When it comes to tracing out how the Yakuza tattoo came into being, very little is known. But one could trace them back to 1700s when the yakuza where linked with tattoos and body art in Japan. The group would show that a member belongs to a particular syndicate by the tattoo they had on. Dec 30, 2020 - Explore Manaske O'Neil's board "Girl half sleeve tattoos" on Pinterest. See more ideas about tattoos, sleeve tattoos, tattoos for women. 26/out/2019 - Explore a pasta "Yakuza sleeve tattoo" de Alexandre Beirão no Pinterest. Veja mais ideias sobre tatoo, tatuagens, tatuagem. There are many reasons to have a tattoo. Some do this for identification, while others do it for spiritual purposes. Tattoo designs vary depending on the place of origin. In this case, half sleeve Japanese tattoos are unique, but nearly the same old as other tattoos known to man. These tattoos also have cultural significance. Half sleeves Tattoos And Ideas For Men And Women. Half sleeve tattoos: If you are thinking about getting a permanent tattoo ink design on your body.Getting it on your half sleeve would be a great choice. The sleeve is one of the most important parts of the body when you think about to have a tattoo on your sleeve. Yakuza Tattoo Sleeve. Koi fish represents strength and bravery. What is the meaning of the Yakuza Tattoo? In Japanese culture, Yakuza tattoos are considered as a symbol of status. For instance, wives, girlfriends, and mistresses of Yakuza members obtain Irezumi in order to prove their loyalty to the Yakuza. Popular Half Sleeve Tattoo Design Ideas. If you know what a sleeve tattoo is, it is not difficult to guess the meaning of a half sleeve tattoo.This kind of tattoo has two location options, from the shoulder to the elbow and from the elbow to the wrist.. Due to its visibility, half sleeve tattoo designs tend to be complex and detailed.

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#tattoovlog #halfsleevetattooHubby and I got another tattoo!Where we went: https://www.instagram.com/woodworktattoo/Tattoo Artist: https://www.instagram.com/... This video was recorded in late July, and then a month or so later when it was fully healed.. Have yet to do the top half in the end of September which I wil... Japanese Kumonryu Koi 九紋竜 Yakuza Tattoo 入れ墨 Otomi Koi is actually a type of carp or sturgeon. Chinese legend tells us of the few, strong and proud koi who sw... Top 20 Japan Tattoos Most Popular Japan Yakuza Tattoos - Duration: 4:33. Sombo Beb Recommended for you. 4:33. TATTOO TIME LAPSE: PHOENIX, HALF SLEEVE AND CHEST, 1ST SESSION - Duration: 9:16. 100 Japanese Sleeve Tattoos For Men Clarification: I know that Majima had his tattoo before 2, I meant that it's not SHOWN before 2. In 2005 they didn't have one made for him, but by 2006 they ... Sombo Beb Channel : Thank You for watching, Like, Comment, And Help Click Subscribe to get new Video Everyday... hope this was helpful ️

yakuza tattoo half sleeve

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